"Whatever." Catalina rolled her eyes.

Miranda sniffed loudly, like she could smell something foul. "Do I smell a bitch?"

Catalina's glare became white hot. "I don't know but It sure does smell like a skank in here."

"Hey. Calm down airhead." I stood between the two of them. "There are children present."

The door slid open again another woman stepped into the room.

"Let's just have a party why don't we." I said sarcastically.

"Master wants to see the both of you. He mentioned a special treatment." She spoke quietly and could barely be heard through the hijab she was wearing.

It covered everything but her eyes.

Catalina scoffed but followed her sister out of the room none the less.

The woman watched them go and then put her ear up to the door until their footsteps faded.

She turned back to us and whipped off the hijab, shaking out her tangerine curls. "Oh my gosh. It's hot under there."

"Ivana." Miranda greeted her.

"Miranda, Gwendolyn." She nodded at each of us.

"About time. So how are we getting out of here?" I asked, ready to go.

"Oh we're not. Not today anyway. My job was to find you." She explained. "They weren't keeping you in the same place that I often work as a two-faced maid, so I had to find out all the rest of their locations. We're going to torch all of them."

"Aww. Baby's first fireworks." I said.

"Besides, I love a good gun show every once in a while." Ivana said. "Xavier's even given Miranda special permission to shoot, but not kill, a certain pair of airheads."

"Why not? They snitched on my sister!" Miranda demanded.

"Their Father is one of the three branches that Wells corporation was built off of. Kill his daughters, we lose his support. Therefore all of the merchandize he has provided such as computer for every cubicle. If you just shoot them, but not kill them, we can say they got caught in the crossfire."

"Would that even work?" Miranda scoffed.

"Maybe. Maybe not." Ivana said. "Now I don't have much time so it'll take us at least a month to set all the bombs and know when to set them off. We're blowing up this one in twenty-four hours."

"A month?!" I asked. "Why couldn't we have just left now?"

"Because he wants to end this forever." Miranda supplied.

"Precisely." Ivana said. "So the longest you'll be here is maybe two and half months."

"No." I flopped down on the bed. "You don't know what could happen in all that time."

"Marquis will have nowhere to go but in the open. Once he's exposed  we surround him and aim to kill." Ivana said.

Serena cleared her throat.

"Oh yeah. Ivana, Serena. Serena, Ivana." I introduced the two of them.

"Hello." Serena said politely.

Ivava gave her a nod in response. "I know who she is. Xavier gave her a job too."

"So everyone gets a job except me?" I asked.

"He told me to tell you, be safe, he loves you, can't wait to see you and so forth." She rolled her eyes. "Now, I want to see the babies."

I moved aside and she peered into the carriages. "So?"

"They're cute." She said. "You and Xavier mixed together make some good offspring."

"Thank you, I guess."

She stepped away from the strollers and started to wrap the hijab around her head. "Well, it was nice to see and meet all of you But I have to go plant a bomb before they find that guy strapped to tree in the backyard."

She smiled before disappearing out the door.

Seconds later an alarm went off and two henchmen burst into the room breathing heavily.

One of them spoke into a walkie-talkie. "They're still here."

Marquis's voice responded. "Bring them out to the van. We've been compromised."

"Yes sir." The guy said and nodded to his partner.

The guy pointed his gun.

Miranda nodded towards him and I looked closer.

I looked back at her and nodded. "Miranda you wanna help me with these strollers?"

She grabbed Xander's stroller, pushing it out the door first. I nudged Serena to follow and she took Aliyah's carriage.

"Alright let's go." The last guy rushed me.

I stepped closer to him and brushed my hands across his chest. "I know we just met but I have to say, you are handsome."

"Thank you now get moving." He said.

I whispered in his ear, touching various parts of him. Picking his pockets.

"As much as I'd love that I should inform you that I'm gay." He pushed me away and shoved me out the door.

"Hey now. She just gave birth, show a little respect." Miranda said.

I walked slowly behind her and when they weren't looking I slipped a letter opener into her hand.

She and I switched places and she broke off from the group with the excuse that she had to use the bathroom.

We boarded the van and she joined us at the last second. The carriages were placed in between us in the windowless van but we could still see each other.

I tilted my head as if asking a question and she nodded.

It's done.


I'mmmmm backkkkk. On some real stuff I missed y'all. I was so busy.

Happy beladed Alentine's Ay. (For people who ain't get no D or V yesterday.)

#lonelysquad. We can be lonely together.


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