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A knock was heard on my door as I looked away from the stove, it was only 6 and Sirius wasn't finished work until 8. I wasn't expecting anyone either so I lowered the burner so the water wouldn't boil over and I took out my wand. I crept towards the door as another knocking sound was heard; I gripped the wand tighter as my hair turned white.

I stopped at the door and unlocked the door; swinging it open only to find a wand to my face as well. I looked beyond it and dropped my wand, them doing the same as I brought them in a hug.

"Guys what are you doing here? You know it isn't safe right now to be out of hiding, especially with Harry" Lily and James smiled at me while Remus gave me a look as if he agreed with me.

"Sorry Liz, we didn't mean to scare you. Our burrow isn't safe anymore and we couldn't think of anywhere else to go." My eyes softened as I looked around outside before ushering them inside. I closed the door behind them and locked it before placing another protective charm over the house so no one could detect that Lily and James were here.

"How did you get here in one piece? Death Eaters are everywhere" James held up his invisibility cloak and I sighed in relief, now knowing that no one saw them come here.

"Thank god" I whispered, I looked at Harry who had just turned 1 about a week ago and smiled, letting him grab my finger with his hand as he looked up at me with his green eyes that he had gotten from Lily.

"Where's Scarlet?" I pointed upstairs where she was asleep and they nodded,

"I had just put her to be about half an hour ago. If I would've known that you were coming I would've let her stay up to see Harry" Lily smiled and waved me off.

"Don't worry about it Liz"

"I was making some pasta and we were going to have left-overs, but now that you're here would you guys like some as well" they all smiled and nodded as we all went back to the kitchen and I turned the burner back up and began to stir the pot with a wooden spoon.

"Liz you can use some magic you know, even if it's a small charm that will make the food for you they won't catch it"

"I don't want to risk it after what happened to Alice and Frank" it went silent and the only thing you could hear was my stirring. Lily gave Harry to James as she walked over and gave my shoulder a squeeze.

"Liz what happened to them-"

"Was an accident I know, but now Neville is going to grow up not knowing his parents other than when he sees them at St. Mungos. And that's if his grandmother ever lets him visit"

"He will visit them Liz, even if we have to floo there and bring him ourselves" I smiled at James but shook my head.

"That's why I'm so scared Lil, I couldn't imagine what it would be like for Scarlet not to have parents, or Harry. Until this war is over I'm going to be as cautious as I can be" they frowned but nodded. What they didn't know is that I had a dream last night, a dream where I would be leaving Scarlet soon, very soon. They couldn't know; I didn't want to worry them; until it happens I'm going to spend as much as I can with them until the time comes. The sound of the door opening cut us short and we watched as Sirius walked into the kitchen with some more groceries.

"Hey Sirius" he stopped when he saw everyone and set his stuff down before giving his friends a hug.

"Gosh I haven't seen you guys since February, what are you doing here?"

'We're the Same' (Sirius Black/Marauder's Era) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now