Chapter 9-Nightmare Can be Real

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Remus blinked once, then twice, and then once more as he processed what he just heard come out of Lily and I's mouths.

"He's uh a-uh-Deatheater?" he whispered, we both nodded.

"But how? How did you find out?" we explained that the day that he was at the pub he lifted his arm up and showed the man who cursed my necklace the mark that ran up his right arm and stopped at the underside of his elbow.

"Well...we have to tell someone! Surly Dumbledore will know what to do!" we shook our heads,

"Do you know how easy it is to cover up the mark? Besides, who's going to believe that some 17-year-old is now a Deatheater? And a 17-year-old who happens to be in Gryffindor? Yeah, that's not going to happen" he opened his mouth to protest but closed it when he didn't have anything else to say.

"What are we going to do about it?" he asked, I shrugged.

"We're not sure yet, this whole Deatheater thing is new to a lot of people. The Order isn't even sure how many followers Voldemort has gained. What we do know is Peter won't start owning up to being a Deatheater until we're out of school. That's when he'll probably attack and that's when we'll finish him I recon. Especially since he put this necklace on me, I think that's that job that Voldemort gave him to do; make sure that Elizabeth gets the necklace on so there's a curse on her."

"But we don't even know why Voldemort would want to put a curse on you Liz"

"I know but I have a feeling he'll reveal himself eventually; until then I'm guessing just as much as you guys"

"But Liz that could be year away from now; the curse could get worse for all we know" I nodded,

"You're right Liz, but right now it's the only option we have" Remus and Lily shared a worried glace before nodding in agreement.




"Elizabeth Jonesssss"


My eyes shot open but I wasn't in my dorm room anymore; I was in my house. It looked exactly like it did before I went off to Hogwarts in my fifth year. I saw that I was in my old kitchen where I used to make breakfast, lunch and dinner in. There were marble countertops with oak cabinets, a matching island and a stainless-steel fridge, behind the cabinets were fine china that my mother used to use when guests would come over for dinner. I walked down the hall and into the living room where our old blue leather couches were, the huge vintage rug that my mother paid a fortune for, and our wooden radio that used to play classical music that my mother and father would secretly dance too.

Looking up the stairs I saw a dimmed light, and I walked my way up to follow. When I made it upstairs I saw that the light was coming from my bedroom; my old bedroom. Opening the door I cringed when the door hinges creaked; they probably haven't been used in years.

My room was just as it used to be; it hadn't been touched at all. It had my old rickety bed that was handed down to me after my brother grew out of it; some old brown dressers that also used to be from my brother; but he ended up breaking the top half of one when he was playing Quidditch and threw the Quaffle right threw his window; after that he didn't want one broken dresser while the other still worked so he had our parents buy him brand-new one's. I ran my hand over the crack that I had ducktaped so many years ago when I still thought that I was a Squib; then I watched as my fingertips lit up the wood as the crack disappeared. I took my hand off and inspected my fingers,

"Must just be because I'm dreaming" I mumbled; I went and sat down on the bed; the springs squeaking from my weight. Though, I didn't stay long when I saw another light up at the hill under the willow tree where I used to stay.

I got up and walked back down to the living room and out the front door, the walk seemed longer than I remembered but I didn't give it a second thought once I reached the willow tree. There, I saw a tall man in all black; standing in the spot where I used to sit.

"What?" I whispered, my feet moved without my command and I felt like I was in a trance. I looked down and saw my necklace shining a coal black. I could now see my veins throbbing; almost as if they were going to come out of my skin.

"Ah Elizabeth Jones; we finally meet" my feet stopped once he spoke; his face showed a smirk.

"Who are you?" I asked, trying to at least move my arm just in case this stranger tried anything; something tells me this isn't just a dream anymore.

"Take a guess Elizabeth, you know who I am" my eyes widened when a thought came to me,

"V-Voldemort?" his sadistic smile grew,

"You're not confident now on saying my name when I'm right in front of you are we? But yes, I am indeed Lord Voldemort" his hands went up as he gestured to himself, I felt myself move forward again and now we were so close that I could faintly smell his cologne. I looked closely at him and recognized the same black eyes that were in the hall while I was being dragged back to the common rooms.

"But-But how? How are you in my dreams?" he chuckled while twirling his wand around in his hand.

"I am in your mind, body and Soul Elizabeth" my eyes widened,

"See when my loyal follower Peter sent to get your necklace cursed he didn't just curse the necklace; he attached something to it, something that no one would ever expect, something that would've been hidden behind a" I looked down at my necklace that glowed a dull grey; and once he said that word, that one word made my whole body throb once. I could feel my heart racing now,


"Elizabeth, have you ever heard of a Horcrux?" I shook my head,

"When a Witch or Wizard has purposely hidden a fragment of his or her soul into an object so they attain immortality" my jaw dropped,

"And now with a lot of time and research I have successfully put a piece if my soul into your necklace" I tried forming words but nothing came out, not wonder why I could hear voice, no wonder why Dumbledore had never seen a curse like this before; it was never meant to be a curse in the first place. It was just a distraction so that no one could see what was hiding underneath; a soul.

"But, why me?" he chuckled once more,

"Because you're powerful; it's one thing to attach a piece of me to an object but your necklace is different. Your power is locked in that necklace and if I can control it than that means that I can control you" a tear fell from my eye and he went over and stroked my cheek; pushing away the tear.

"But you don't have to worry; once I'm done with you, you won't remember a thing" then he smirked evilly and began to laugh. I started to cry but I couldn't move unless he let me. Then, everything began to fade.

"I'll see you soon Elizabeth, sooner than you think" I screamed and everything went back; his voice now nothing but a mere whisper.

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