Chapter 16- Hunter's Gay?

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"So what were you going to tell me Hunter" I asked; breaking the silence.

"Oh I don't think now is a good time Liz" he replied,

"Just say it Hunter; we're all curious" Lily piped up; he looked at her then at the rest of us and saw that we were all nodding in agreement.


"Don't worry Hunter, you can tell us"

"Yean we won't judge you"

This went on for a couple of minutes to no avail, whatever Hunter was going to say must really be that serious if he's this scared to tell us. I got up and walked over to where he was sitting and sat down next to him.

"Okay Hunter, I can see that whatever you're about to tell us must really be important. I can see that you're scared but I promise you that we won't judge whatever it is you have to say" I put my hand on his shoulder and squeezed. He closed his eyes and sighed before opening his mouth,

"I think I'm gay"


I blinked...and blinked again...looked around and saw that everyone else was just as surprised as I was. Hunter was fidgeting in his seat; looking anxious.

"Oh" I broke the silence. Hunter's face dropped and I immediately felt bad. It's not that I was judging him or anything I'm just shocked.

"When did you realize were into guys?" Remus tried saying without sounding awkward.

"Um well I just started noticing that I've been checking out guys more than I have with girls lately" He replied. "They're just more attractive to me now"

We all nodded; Lily smiled at him reassuringly.

"It's alright Hunter we aren't judging you, we're just surprised that's all"

"Yeah we just never expected you to be into..."

"Guys?" we nodded,

"Yeah" James replied. Hunter sighed loudly and smiled in relief.

"Well that's okay; I was scared you'd all shun me or something" I chuckled.

"Hey what do you take us for?" he laughed and shook his head. Then I noticed that Lily was staring at me; knowing what she was thinking I sighed and nodded; standing to my feet and grabbing my bags.

"I should go find Sirius" I said; catching all but Lily's attention. I saw James nod in understanding,

"He's going to shit his pants once he finds out that Hunter wasn't trying to make a move on you again" everyone laughed as I shook my head and walked out the door.

"Whatever James"


It's about half past 3 now and I still haven't found Sirius. I've searched high and low for him at Hogsmeade, at Hogwarts, everywhere basically. I have no clue where he is and I'm worried that students will be heading back soon (dinner at Hogwarts usually starts at 5) and it'll be harder for me to find him.

"Excuse me have you seen Sirius Black lately?" I ask Peeves who's roaming the halls. He moans and groans while shaking his head at me and floating away; spooking a first year in the process. I sighed and ruffled my hair out of place as my hair turned green.

'We're the Same' (Sirius Black/Marauder's Era) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now