Chapter 24- Conflict at The Potter House

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"Well here we are" James said as we got out of his parents' car. In front of us was a two story house that was made out of brick; there were four windows in the front; two on the main floor and two on the top part of the house. Their door was painted a pretty robin egg blue with matching window shades. Right away I felt right at home; looking over at Lily I knew she felt the same.

"It's not much but It's home" James added; grabbing his and Lily's stuff from the trunk and carrying it inside; Lily looked over at me and all I could do was wiggle my eyes at her before going over to the car and grabbing my stuff. I heard a hoot and looked over; seeing Luna I opened up her cage and she flew in and I closed it after.

Walking inside I heard barking in the background and turned around; seeing 2 dogs running towards me.

They were both Labs but one was white while the other was a chocolate brown. They stopped in front of me and began sniffing my legs; the white one jumped on me and all I could do was laugh when it began licking my face; the chocolate brown one doing the same thing soon after.

"Lacey! Luis! Stop trying to lick my friend to death!" I heard James and Sirius yell; they walked over and grabbed them and brought them away from my face.

"Honestly guys It's fine they're so cute" I smiled; dropping down to my knees and rubbing the top of their heads.

"Its strange because Lacey doesn't usually like a lot of people let alone meeting them for the first time" Sirius said to me

"Which one's Lacey?" I asked; the white lab immediately perked up once I said her name and wagged her tail.

"I'm guessing the white one?" Sirius nodded his head,

"Yeah, she's mine. I brought her in as soon as my parents kicked me out" Sirius replied; I frowned and looked back down at Lacey.

"You have a good home now Lacey" I whispered; her tongue fell out of her mouth and her tail wagged faster; as if she knew what she was saying.

"You guys should unpack because dinner will be ready soon" James said as he walked out of the room. I nodded and got up while grabbing my bag and bringing it upstairs,

"You'll be sharing a room with Lily" Sirius said from beside me, pointing to a door on my right. I walked over and opened the door; seeing two blow up mattresses on the floor. Beside them there were some dressers with a mirror and a small closet on the left side.

I walked in and dropped my suitcase on the mattress that was closest to the window; unzipping it I began to unpack my stuff; seeing that Lily had already finished earlier.

A half hour I finished unpacking my stuff and I set my suitcase on the ground before getting on the mattress. My eyes felt heavy and I just realized how tired I was. Turning towards the window my eyes shut,

'I'll just rest my eyes for a couple minutes'


"Liz" I heard someone whisper; I groaned and turned my body around so that I was facing the opposite of whoever was talking to me.

"Liz come on get up; dinner's ready" I heard someone say louder; fluttering my eyes open I saw that Lily and I's room was dark; I guess someone came in and shut the lights out. Turning back around I saw that it was now nighttime and the stars were coming out; how long was I asleep for?

Looking over I saw that Remus was sitting on the edge of my mattress with his hands folded on his lap; I rubbed my eyes and slowly sat up,

"Remus? What time is it? How long was I asleep for?" he lightly blushed at the sound of my voice.

'We're the Same' (Sirius Black/Marauder's Era) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now