Chapter 12- The Answer? Kind Of

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*snap* *snap*

I blink my eyes when fingers show up in my view and snap in my face; looking over I see that Remus is getting my attention.

"Liz you're doing it again" my face goes red,

"Sorry" I say sheepishly; turning my head away from the previous hallway. For the past 2 weeks all I've been getting are those same pairs of eyes; those stupid dark brown eyes are everywhere! I've seen them so many times that my friends are worried that I 'daydream' or 'get lost in my thoughts' too much. I mean I would tell them about what's going on but would you believe me if I told you that I eyes following me around the school? Didn't think so.

Once I tried following them when they would disappear down a hallway after class but it always leads to a dead end. I think I might be going crazy,

"I'm so mad, I only got an O in my Potions test" I blinked my eyes at Lily and gave her a poker face,

"Lily what are you expecting an E? most people here are lucky to get an O so you should be happy!" she frowned and shook her head, ripping up her test and throwing it in the bin behind her.

"Well what did you get?" I grinned,

"An E" I replied, she screamed and gripped her hair.

"How come you got an E before me?!?! I'm supposed to be the prefect this year and the top of my class not you!" I laughed and patted her back,

"I love potions remember? Besides you'll always beat me in Transfiguration" the corners of her mouth twitched up and she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah whatever" she mumbled; I giggled and hugged her from around her shoulders before I caught something at the corner of my eye. Looking over I saw...those eyes!

"Oh you have got to be kidding me" I whispered; I stopped and jogged over to where they were watching me but suddenly they vanished.

'Oh no you don't'

This time I ran to catch up and when I ran around the corner I saw a glimpse of feet running down the hall.

"Hey!" I yelled, but when I turned left I ran into a wall. I grabbed my face and rubbed my sore nose,

"That's the third time this freaking week" I whispered, feeling a little drip. I looked and saw that my nose was bleeding, I did a quick healing charm and I was as good as new.

"Okay Lizzie you need to tell me what the hell is going on; you've been acting strange lately" I jumped at Lily's voice and spun around,

"Lily don't scare me like that!" she narrowed her eyes,

"Don't change the topic, why are you acting so strange?" I paused; should I tell her? I mean even when I think about it, it sounds bizarre. But, Lily's my friend and she should understand right? She has to believe me, I wouldn't ever make this up.

"I think I have a stalker" okay, not the words I wanted to say but that defiantly caught her attention.

"What do you mean?" she asked

"Well for a while now I've just been seeing eyes following me everywhere. And I know that sounds crazy but it's true! And they're from the same person every time! I almost caught them today but just like last time they disappeared." She frowned,

"That's impossible Liz, no one can disappear unless-" she stopped herself and her eyes widened.

"Unless what?" I asked, she didn't talk for a moment.

'We're the Same' (Sirius Black/Marauder's Era) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now