Chapter 6- Sev...

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It's be a couple of weeks since the situation the Great Hall happened; and Sirius and James are STILL too stubborn to apologize. Remus and Peter have tried talking some sense to them but they won't budge at all; Lily and I see them in the hallway where they try to talk to us but all we do is hold our heads high and walk right around them.

During the 3 weeks I've been getting closer to Severous; he's like a brother to me. Lily, Sev and I always hangout; sitting on the hill during our breaks and even sitting at the Slytherin table once and a while. The people he sits with aren't that bad compared to the others so Lily and I have gotten comfortable around them.

Now, Lily and I are meeting up Sev at the same hill. We're excited because we both got perfect on our Divinations test and were going to show it to him. But all that changed when we saw that Sev was surrounded in a corner; there were four boys and you can guess who they were.

As we got closer we could hear Remus and even Peter trying to back them off from Sev,

"Guys seriously you shouldn't be doing this; if you really care for Lily and Liz than you should just back off and walk away" Remus tried to reason; I could even see Remus and Peter standing in front of Severous now; blocking the three from making any contact.

"Move out of the way Remus" James growled; fists clenched.

"Yeah you too Peter; this isn't your business" Sirius added; helping James shove the two out of the way before walking even closer to Severous.

"Uh oh this isn't good" Lily whispered; we shared a worried glace before running up to the five of them.

"Hey!" I yelled; catching all of their attention. At least for the most part; Sirius and James soon turned around once again and glared at Sev who was now standing up and holding his ground.

"Not now Liz-"

"No Sirius this needs to stop; come on Sev let's go" I walk around the two and grab Sev's hand. He let's be drag him across to where Lily is.

"Where you going Snivillous! You coward!" Severous stopped and ripped my hand off of him; turning back around and facing the two.

"My name is Severous" he growled; lily looked worringly at him as she put a hand on his shoulder; me doing the same.

"Sev don't do this; you're better than that" Lily whispered; I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah Sev this isn't worth your time" persuading him with Lily; his gaze dropped to us.

"Are you going to let Liz and Evans fight all your battles?" James asked; that did it. Suddenly; he thrashed his arms off of us; throwing us to the ground. I gasped out in pain along with Lily as our shoulders hit the ground sharply. Gently holding myself up with my good arm I sat in a sitting position while holding my now bruised arm. Looking down at my skirt I saw mud all over the sides; looks like I'll have to wash it today.

"What the hell Sev?" Lily groaned; holding her head. He looked over at her; anger written on his face.

"I don't need help from a Mudblood and a Blood Traitor" my breathing stopped along with everyone else's; Remus' mouth was hanging hopen along with mine. James and Sirius were too shocked to even respond; the only person to react was Lily as she muffled a sob while putting a hand over her mouth. Sev's eyes softened; realizing what he had just said.

"Lil...I didn't mean to-"

"No Sev! If this is how you feel then I don't want anything to do with you anymore. I'm never going to save your ass again!" Lily then got up and ran down the hill; most likely to our dorm. But I was still on the ground; thinking about what he had just said.

'We're the Same' (Sirius Black/Marauder's Era) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now