Chapter 11- Those Eyes

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The next morning I woke up cuddled up next to Sirius, he had his arm firmly wrapped around my waist while my head was leaning against his shoulder. I knew that I was the first one up when I heard his light snoring by my ear; and looking around me I saw that everyone else was asleep as well.

'What time is it?'

Looking over at the little clock on Sirius' nightstand it read 6:45AM in big red letters. I turned back over at Sirius and I gently shook him until his eyes opened,

"Come on Sirius, we have school today" I whispered, getting out of bed and walking over where Lily was. I shook her just like I did with Sirius and the two of us headed to our dorm.

"Where are you two going?" James asked; who was now leaning on his elbows and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"We forgot our clothes in our dorm, we'll grab our stuff and bring it here if that's okay with you? Liz and I can't really sleep in that bedroom anymore until Dumbledore fixes it" Lily replied, unlocking the door and walking out. I followed and closed the door behind me; we walked out a couple flights before reaching our dorm.

"Okay we only need our clothes and a couple of things that we brought with us, it shouldn't take us longer than 15 minutes and after we'll just get dressed in their room" Lily explained; I nodded and grabbed my suitcase from under my bed. Unzipping the bag, I began stuffing all of my clothes and trinkets from around my room. Luna was already in my room along with a couple other things so I finished around the same time as Lily. We made eye contact and nodded as we walked back up to the guys dorm.

When we opened the door we noticed that Remus and Peter were now awake and already in their uniforms. I could hear the shower running and I noticed that James was absent; Sirius was still asleep in his bed.

I sighed and rubbed my temples before grabbing my uniform which consisted of a white blouse, a plain black skirt, some stockings, heels and the Gryffindor tie.

Throwing my hair up in a bun I quickly put on some lip gloss and some mascara and walked over to Sirius.

I stopped and watched him, heard him snoring. How should I wake him up? The last time I tried he just fell right back asleep. Then an idea came to me,

'I know' I smirked, rubbing my hands together and walking over to him bed. I sat down and began to run my hands up and down his back, I felt him stiff then relax as a low groan came from the back of his throat.

"That feels so nice" he mumbled; I chuckled and continued his back massage. Then, I stopped and leaned down; kissing his cheek, then his forehead, then his nose and finally lingering on his mouth. I felt him his me back but I pulled away and sat back up,

"Come on Sirius it's time to get up It's..." I looked at the clock,

"7:15AM and we still haven't had breakfast" I finished, he sighed and pushed himself out of bed and looked me over.

"What?" I asked, bringing my hand up to my face; thinking that there was something on it. He shook his head and walked by, stopping only for a moment to kiss my cheek.

"You look beautiful that's all" I could feel my face heat up and my hair turn a light shade of pink; he never fails to make me blush.

Not long after Sirius had gotten dressed and we were now on our way to the Great Hall.

"So how did everyone sleep?" Remus asked, fixing his tie for the billionth time this morning.

"Good, great actually." James replied, it was similar for everyone else but me.

'We're the Same' (Sirius Black/Marauder's Era) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now