Chapter 7- The Realization

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Weeks; that's how long it's been. Ever since the guys and Severous were sent down to the office James and Sirius were served 4 months of detention for bullying Severous and Remus and Peter had to serve just 2 weeks of detention for not doing anything in order to help Sev. They're all lucky they weren't expelled; mostly James and Sirius. But, for some reason Severous got a month worth of detention; I wonder what James and Sirius said to McGonagall in order to get Severous in trouble. It doesn't make sense to me; and Lily agrees.

Speaking of Lily I should probably wake her up since we have classes soon.

"Lily" I said; walking over to her bed. It was always difficult waking her up; she was NOT a morning person.

"Mnn...No mom it's not my turn" she mumbled in reply; I raised an eyebrow before trying again.

"Lily; come on get up" I said louder; grabbing her shoulder and pulling her head off of her pillow.

"5 more minutes mom..."

"If you call me mom one more time I think I'll begin to see wrinkles on my skin...get up!" I said before I grabbed her sheets from underneath and ripped them out so that she flew off the bed and on the floor where our dorm neighbours could probably hear a 'thump' on their ceiling. Lily shot up her head from off the ground and looked over at me and glared; picking herself up off the floor she grabbed her sheets and made her bed that I had once again ruined (this isn't the first time I've had to wake her up like this).

"What?" she asked

"Lil it's almost time for classes" I pointed at her watch that read 7:40am on it. Her eyes widened and she dashed in the shower; while she was in there I grabbed the food that was on the table in our room. I had decided to let her sleep in since we had a hard time falling asleep last night. So I woke up early and grabbed us some food...but then she wouldn't wake up and that was a problem.

The door opened and Lily walked out; she walked by in her uniform and stopped, turned around and looked at me as I ate my bagel. As I took another bite; with my free hand I held up some chocolate chip pancakes with strawberries, bananas and syrup. There was also some milk that I had grabbed that was still on the table.

"I got your favourite" I said after I finished the last bite of my bagel; her face lit up as she grabbed it from my hand and began to eat; I on the other hand downed my milk as I waited for her. After, just as she was finishing up I brushed my teeth (because I hate bad breath) and we walked out the door.

By the time we had arrived to Potions we were a couple of minutes early; though I doubt he would get mad at us; we're his favourite students (we're the only ones who answer his questions). Our Professor SlugHorn walked in and walked past our desk; smiling towards us in which we returned.

Then, he walked to his desk and dropped off his things and looked back to us once again,

"Okay class so today-" The door opened behind us, we all turned around and saw Sirius and James panting (probably from running here trying to be on time).

"Ah Mr. Potter and Mr. Black, there you are. Take a seat in front of Ms. Evans and Ms. Jones. And try to be on time from now on" Lily and I groaned; we didn't want them sitting close to us; we've been avoiding them ever since what happened to Severous; since they're partly the reason why we're not friends with him anymore. Speaking of Severous, I'm surprised that he hasn't even tried to come up to Lily or I (mainly Lily). I mean we're not expecting much but I would've thought since he cared for Lily so much that he would at least TRY to talk to her. But I guess I was wrong.

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