Chapter 4- Creepy Dolls and Deatheaters

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"How's Edgar?" Lily asked, biting into her ham and cheese sandwich. I gave her a half smile and shrugged before turning towards one of the windows that showed you the Quidditch Pitch from the Great Hall.

"He's about the same, I come in to see him and he's by the same window on the same couch. Although, he keeps giving me weird toys." She looked at me with her head tilted sideways.

"Like what?" I opened my mouth but closed it, I didn't even know how to explain it really. So I held up my hand and then dug it in my bag before taking out the headless doll that he had given to me when I first came in, a little baby with long stringy black hair, and finally a little lego man who seemed to be in handcuffs.

I handed them over to her and she examined them before giving them back.

"That's strange" she said, I nodded and stuffed them back in my bag. No matter how creepy they were I just couldn't bring myself to toss them away, they seemed to be the only way of communication he had towards me.

"Do you think he could be giving me some type of warning?" I asked, she only shrugged.

"Who knows Liz, maybe it's just his way of communication, I mean you've seen what your parents did to him" I flinched at the memory but nodded.

"Yes...but I can't help but feel like there's something more to those dolls than what we know" she nodded.

"Well, you shouldn't worry about that now Liz, not with NEWT's coming up" I scrunched up my nose in disgust.

"Sorry Lil's but I think you're the only one that really cares about NEWT's, I'm more concerned about Volde-" her eyes widened and she covered my mouth with her hand.

"Don't say his name out loud! Are you mad?" I ripped her hand off of me and wiped off the sweat that built on my mouth from her hand.

"Lil's if there's a war coming and we're supposed to fight him how are you going to do that when you get scared at the sound of his name?" she shook her head but behind me as a throat cleared. I turned and saw McGonagall behind me.

"Ms. Jones and Ms. Evans if you could follow me"

"Where Professor?"

"To Dumbledore's office" I looked at Lily who only shook her head and shrugged as we got up and grabbed our bags. We followed her out to the hall and all the way t McGonall's office where she left us at the door after saying the password.

"What does he want with us?" I whispered, opening the doors and seeing James, Peter, Remus and Sirius sitting in chairs in front of Dumbledore's desk. This brought back Deja-Vu to when he told me about Edgar.

"Ms. Jones, Ms. Evans, I'm glad you could make it" the boys turned around and I mentally asked them what was going on, but judging by their facial expressions I could tell that they were just as confused at Lily and I were.

"Sir why did you call us here?" I asked, taking a seat next to Sirius who casually wrapped his arm around my waist while Lily sat next to James who did the same.

"I sure you know that there is a dark wizard rising as we speak"

"Voldemort" I whispered, Dumbledore's eyes slide to mine and I thought I would get lectured again on saying his name but his eyes sparkled in amusement as he nodded.

"Yes, Voldemort" he repeated,

"He has been seeking out followers, Deatheaters" we nodded, already knowing that information as well.

'We're the Same' (Sirius Black/Marauder's Era) *COMPLETED*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu