Chapter 9- The Touch I Hate

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A couple of days went by and Lily and I still couldn't figure out what the hell was going on with the guys. After Lily left the hospital James has been loads of help...which isn't normal! And Sirius hasn't even talked to any girls other than Lily and I which is strange. I don't know what happened at Hogsmeade but I kind of like the treatment I'm getting.

Currently, I'm helping Lily pack because It's almost Christmas Break; and I'm just now realizing how much this girl has -.-

"Lily how much stuff do you need to bring?? Christmas Break is only 2 weeks and it looks like you're packing for a month's worth of stuff" I gasped; sitting on top of the 5th suitcase as she closed it. Jumping off I could see the hemming on the suitcase stretching out; not used to that many clothes shoved in one area.

"Well I like to bring more just in case" she replied

"I guess but 5 bags??" I asked; all she did was shrug her shoulders and wave her wand; causing the suitcases to float in the air and follow her.

"You never know" is all she said as we reached the bottom of the stairs; waiting for us were James and Sirius.

"Hey guys" Lily smiled; walking beside me as we reached them. They smiled back and began to take the suitcases that we were floating in the air.

"Did you need some help with these?" I gave them a look as if saying 'you'll regret this' but I guess they didn't get the memo because as soon as they took the suitcases the spell wore off and all the weight from the bags caused them to fall to the floor. I laughed as Lily gasped and ran to James' side,

"You okay James?" she asked; putting a hand on his shoulder. He smiled and got up; barely able to hold onto the bags,

"I'm fine, just wondering what's in these bags of yours?" he asked; looking down at them.

"Just my clothes and some books" she replied before she walked to the portrait door along with me.

"Come on guys; the train is going to leave soon; unless you want me to take those bags for you?" Lily asked; reaching over to grab the suitcases.

"Oh no I don't want to have you do that; you're probably still tired; It is early" James replied; Lily tilted her head and frowned,

"I'm fine James really" she replied; taking the three bags that he was holding and lifting them up effortlessly. I then walked over and took the remaining bags from Sirius and lifting them up easily. They weren't too heavy; watching this the guys jaws dropped.

"How can you lift it so easily?" Sirius asked; Lily and I giggled.

"Well who else is supposed to carry our bags? We're used to it" I replied; then we turned and walked out of the common room; I looked at my watch and gasped at the time,

"Come on Lily the train is about to leave"


Arriving at the station most of the students had already boarded; the only people remaining were Bellatrix, Severous and Lucius -.- great.

"Just don't look at him" I whispered to Lily; I could already feel her discomfort at the fact that Severous was there.

"What's going to happen when I'm on the train though?" she asked

"Well Remus and Peter should be there so stay with them okay?" I asked; she nodded in agreement.

"Okay let's put your stuff away" I said; walking over to where the little doors at the bottom of the train were. We put the suitcases in the remaining space before closing it.

'We're the Same' (Sirius Black/Marauder's Era) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now