Chapter 13- The End of Us

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As soon as those words left my mouth I threw fire at him from both of my hands. He disappeared from the tree and appeared in front of me and tried to land a blow on me with his wand but I deflected it with my wind and blew him back. He landed on his feet about 10 feet away from me; the heels of his feet dug in the dirt from trying to stop himself. He held up his wand and I held up my hands and he threw spell after spell at me. I deflected all of them with my wind and I started trying to throw rocks at him that I had made from the ground; every one of them exploded before they could hit him and we stopped for a moment; out of breathe.

"Just give up, you can't win" I took this chance and held my hand up; causing vines to shoot up all around Voldemort and wrap around his arms, legs and neck. He struggled, but he could move and I whipped the wand right out of his hand.

"Wanna say that again Tom?" his eyes narrowed when I said his name as his wand began to glow.

"My name isn't Tom" I smirked; knowing that I was getting to him.

"Isn't that what your father named you? Tom Riddle" he growled and tried moving closer to me but he couldn't. In fact, anytime he tried to move the vines would only get tighter all around him.

Then, my luck had run out as he casted a silent spell that broke the vines. I took a step back and blocked the debris that came flying at me. I turned to run but my foot got caught under a root and I feel; hearing the familiar crack of bone from my dream as I cried out in pain. I cradled my ankle as Voldemort got closer to me.

"You stupid girl, did you really think that a bunch of vines would hold me back?" then, I was lifted in the air by his wand. I tried using my fire but I realized that he had pinned my hands to my chest; so anything that I would try I would only be hurting myself.

He pushed me up against a tree as he began casting a spell that made the tree branches and vines wrap themselves around me. My eyes widened,

"Did you really think that you were the only one who could do these things? We have spells for a reason Elizabeth" then, he began to talk in another language. I couldn't understand him but he hissed quite a lot. Then, a huge snake came out from the shadows. It had to have been about 12 feet long.

"Elizabeth meet Nagini; she is another one of my Horcrux's" I watched as the snake leaned it's head up and brushed it against Voldemort's hand.

"She will do whatever I say" my eyes widened as he said some more words in that other language; and watched as the snake hissed back and nodded. It started slithering towards me and my breathing hitched at the back of my throat when the snake stood up and it was face-to-face with me. It leaned in close and I turned my head, closing my eyes and waiting for some sort of pain. But, I didn't feel anything. I opened my eyes and looked; seeing that the snake wasn't looking at me anymore, it was looking at my necklace.

"Wh-What does it want?" I stuttered, Volmoer chuckled but didn't say anything. Then, the snake opened up its mouth and dug its teeth right into my necklace. My eyes widened as I watched the venom seep in and my necklace turned all black. I felt different now, the vines were off of me and I was on the ground but I didn't feel My hair turned black and so did my eyes when I looked down at a puddle beside me. My skin was now all grey and my veins were constantly pulsing.

"I win Elizabeth, and there's nothing you can do about it" he laughed when I tried to move but couldn't. He waved his wand and I was now walking towards him without any control. "You see when Nagini gave you some of her venom she was also giving you the rest of the recipe that I needed in order to fully take over your necklace. Now, you have no control and you can only do what I say" I narrowed my eyes,

'We're the Same' (Sirius Black/Marauder's Era) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now