Chapter 5- Inside The Mind

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'Day 62...November 12th 1956'

And I know what you're thinking,

'Wait, you've been under that potion for how long?'


'How come your feelings haven't changed? It's been over 2 months!'

Yes well I know, I don't have an answer as to why I'm still like this. I mean I can't control my body or what I say, but I can still think the same as before. I think it might have something to do with Sirius, sometimes I'll feel myself slipping but then I just think of Sirius and I'm fine.

Another question you're probably asking is,

'Hey since we're on the topic of Sirius, where is he? Where are all your friends?'

I can't answer that question either; I see them in the halls everyday as well as my classes. They always have the same look on their face as if they're lost. I hope they aren't giving up on me; I can't stay like this forever I think I'll go insane!

It's crazy how the potion didn't work; I'm always perfect with my potions. He must've done something to the potion while I wasn't looking; either that or I'm immune.

Looking down at my necklace I saw that it's white; meaning that I'm scared. It has stayed white this entire time; it doesn't even turn green when Hunter annoys me because I'm terrified that no one will realize that I'm still here! I know what's going on I just have no control over it!

Personally, I'm really surprised that the Headmaster and the other Professors haven't noticed anything unusual yet. I'm not raising my hand anymore when questions need to be answered, my marks are dropping because this stupid love potion is making me act like a blonde bimbo (which sucks cause I am blonde), and I haven't been going ANYWHERE unless Hunter comes with me. He even tried coming into the bathroom with me once but luckily Mrs. McGonagall caught him in time. I think he's scared that one of my friends are going to pop out and take me away from him (I wish they did).

He's not even letting me into my own room anymore, every night I have to sneak into the Slytherin dorms where he sleeps and that's my bed for the night. He accio'd all of my belongings out of Lily and I's dorm and put it in his.

I miss my old dorm because it was so warm and welcoming; everyone was nice. Here, as soon as I walked in a bunch of Slytherin's (Who I don't know by the way) turned my way and immediately began to smirk; I think they know as well that I'm under this potion. I swear they have no hearts, but I guess that's how it's like for most Slytherins.

And what's worse is that Hunter doesn't have his own room; he shares it with 4 other boys. Including the other two that I also saw on the train. I learned that their names are Jake and Samuel. Samuel (the blonde one that I burned his magazine) torments me every night; I swear it's like he loves that I'm in this position. Asshole. But Jake...he's okay. I mean he isn't nice but he's not horrible; so I don't mind that he's there all the time.

But, like I said before Hunter panics whenever I'm somewhere he can't see so he makes me CHANGE IN FRONT OF HIM. And what's even worse is that all of his friends are in there with him; and because of this potion I'm acting dumb and I'm giggling while I change into my hasn't been fun these last few months.

If Sirius knew about this Hunter wouldn't even be able to walk right now.

"Babe come on Its dinner time!" I heard Hunter from outside of the dorm room; he opened the door and walked in with his friends and I nodded while I smiled.

'We're the Same' (Sirius Black/Marauder's Era) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now