Chapter 25- Reasons

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"Lizzie I didn't go with you guys to Hogsmede that day because he wanted alone time with you; he told me he was going to tell you how he felt" James stated; my brows furrowed in confusion.

"But, I even leaned in-he knew I wanted to kiss him...why would he pull away if he liked me?"

"I don't know Lizzie; but I'm going to find out.


I walked out of the room and down the steps towards the front door where Padfoot had left it open after he stormed off. Obviously he was pissed as the fact that Remus kissed Lizzie; I would be to if he did that to Lily. But, after finding out what happened at Hogsmede I knew there was something more to this; he wouldn't just give up on his chance with her.

Jogging across the street I asked the neighbours if they had seen a large black dog; pointing towards the woods I quickly thanked them and ran towards the entrance.

'Of all places you could run to you just had to pick a forest' I thought; looking up at all the tall dark brown almost black trees it had an eerie feeling to it. I heard rustling in the bushes and immediately thought the worst.

Shaking my head away from those thoughts I laughed lightly,

"What would you do if Lily was here" that made me feel much better; venturing into the woods I soon realized that the ground was still wet from the rain that we had the night before. And before long I found some familiar footsteps and began to follow them deeper into the woods.

Hearing a twig snap from behind I turned around; taking my wand out from my pocket. But, there stood my old pal Padfoot. I sighed and put my wand away and sitting down on a dry spot underneath a tree as Padfoot followed.

"I know about you not kissing Lizzie on Christmas Eve" Sirius' ears hung back with his head down,

"What happened Sirius? I thought you like her man" I said; watching as he turned back into himself.

"I do like her Prongs; a lot actually"

"Then why did you turn her down that night Sirius?! She thinks you don't like her anymore!" his brows furrowed in confusion and I immediately regretted opening my mouth.

"Anymore?" he asked; I laughed awkwardly and scratched my neck.

"Well after you left Lizzie and Lily had some questions"


"So we answered them"

"Go on"

"And I might've accidently told Lizzie about your feelings towards her" his eyes widened.


"It slipped out I'm sorry! It was all Lily you know I can't resist her!" he sighed but lightly chuckled,

"You're so whipped Prongs" I rolled my eyes and punched his arm.

"Yeah whatever that's not the point. The point is You Sirius! I mean how could you turn her down at Hogsmede?!" he sighed and gripped his hair with his hands and tugged a few times out of frustration.

"Bad things are happening James" I looked at him confused,

"What are you talking about?" I asked

"The rumors of You-Know-Who? I think they're true; I overheard my brother Regulas talking to his friends saying that our parents were getting ready for when he comes" my eyes widened.

"You don't think they could actually be talking about him right?" I asked; my voice on edge. But all Sirius could do was shrug his shoulders,

"Look my brother may be a prick but he wouldn't lie about something like this; espectially not to his friends" I nodded slowly,

"But...what does any of this have to do with Liz?" I asked

"Look; if my family is really joining You-Know-Who then I'm going to be one of their targets since I'm a blood traitor to them. And Liz is one of the most important people in my life; if they found out how much she meant to me I don't know what I would do" I sighed and wrapped my arm around his shoulder,

"Well don't you think you should at least tell her what's going on?" he shook his head,

"No; she must never know. It's better this way James no matter how much it hurts" he replied; all I could do was nod and hug him tightly; hoping that he was doing the right thing.



"Thank you so much for letting us stay Mr and Mrs. Potter" Lily and I said; hugging them tightly around their waist; they chuckled and returned our hugs.

"Again; it's Derek and Sue" they laughed; we both smiled and nodded.

"Right, Derek and Sue" we giggled; as we put our things in their car trunk and closed it shut. Walking around to the back seats we opened the doors and got in; Lily was beside James and I was beside Sirius. After that day he exploded in front of Remus he hasn't spoken about it; he's been acting...strange; distant alomost. But only to me; he doesn't even look me in the eye anymore. But, I'm done playing his games; once we're back at Hogwarts I'm going to start working on losing my feelings for him.

Smiling in determination I looked over at Lily as she looked at me in confusion

'Tell you later' I mouthed; she nodded in understanding and turned back to the conversation she was having with James.

I watched them laugh and grip each other's hands in the car; James' parents were watching them in the mirror and smiled at one another; holding hands as well. I never realized how love made people happy; it was as if one couldn't give without the other. I want to have that; to be able to have that bond with someone; to be happy.

I snuck a glance at Sirius and sucked in a breath,

'You can do this Elizabeth; it may take a while but you can get over him'

And that's what I did; because for the rest of my 5th year I treated him as nothing more than a friend; a brother almost. Every now and then he would do something and my heart would swell; but as soon as that feeling came I crushed it; throwing it aside at the back of my mind. Thinking that sooner or later; the feelings would disappear.

But, little did I know that by doing this my feelings only grew for the grey eyed boy; and for a long time I wouldn't admit to it.


'We're the Same' (Sirius Black/Marauder's Era) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now