Chapter 21- Mirror of Erised and Friendship

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Christmas Break is now over and February has begun; so far Remus hasn't spoken to either Lily or I. We believe it's because after he woke up the next morning; the guys had told him how he had almost attacked us in the Forbidden Forest and he hasn't talked to us since.

Lily and I are worried; before Lily even became friends with the Maurderer's the only one she had really liked was Remus; they got along pretty well in the sense that they're both really smart.

But, in the last couple of weeks it's been kind of annoying; especially when we're all hanging out and Remus will speak to anyone BUT us.

So now, Lily and I are on the hunt to search for our furry friend.

"He has to be here somewhere" Lily said; coming out of an empty classroom. We've been searching all morning; minus when we're in class.

"I know, it's hard to believe that we haven't found him yet. I mean, the boy is in all our classes he wouldn't just skip them" I replied; walking up the stairs with Lily. Then, the staircase began to move sideways; holding onto the railing I made sure I didn't fall.

"Woah, does it always do this?" I ask; watching as we were being taken the opposite way to Charms.

"It all depends on how it's feeling" Lily replied; holding onto the railing on the other side.

"Depending on Its feelings?" I ask; raising my eyebrows.

"Yup; sometimes if it's angry it'll go a lot faster than this; flinging kids over the edge" she replied calmly.

"Throwing kids over the edge...and you're not bothered by this at all?" I asked bewildered.

"Just don't provoke it and you'll be fine; besides it's stopping now" she said; and sure enough it stopped in front of a door that I've never seen before. Unlike the other classroom doors where they're dark oak wood; this door is black with a gold handle on it unlike the others which are silver. We looked at each other before I stepped up and wrapped my hand around the knob.

Assuming it was locked I didn't even try to turn it much; until we heard the click. Stopping for a moment before continuing I opened the door and looked inside. It was very dark; the only light coming from a high window. There was nothing in this room but a single mirror that stood in the middle of the room. It was very tall and had silver trimming. Walking up to it we saw that it had writing at the top,

"Mirror of Erised..." I read; running my fingers across the writing.

'Where have I heard that before?'

"I swear I've read that name before" Lily whispered; now standing beside me. I nodded my head at her and dropped my hand to my side.

"I have too" I replied; I then looked at the mirror; seeing my reflection. Then, it changed and I saw myself with my family. Mom, dad and Edgar; we were all happy and eating dinner at Christmas. We were...getting along. I was still wearing my Gryffindor uniform and my brother was wearing his Ravenclaw.

"Still getting straight A's Edgar?"

"Of course mom" my brother smiled; making a bite of his mashed potatoes as they both smiled at him. Then they turned to me,

"And you Elizabeth?" I watched as I rolled my eyes.

"I always get A's dad; and I won't stop" I smirked; laughing along with my family.

Then it disappeared and I knew what this was.

"The Mirror of Erised...the mirror that shows you what you most desire" I said; looking back at Lily who seemed to see something of her own.

'We're the Same' (Sirius Black/Marauder's Era) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now