Chapter 13- He's Back

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His eyes pierced back at me; ice cold blue ones against my green. I thought I was done with him after he was expelled from Hogwarts; how did this happen? But more importantly, how did he come back without anyone noticing.

"What are you doing here" Lily asked; edge laced in her voice.

"You know why I'm here Evans" Lucius replied; turning towards me once more with a smirk on his face. I shivered; hating the way he looked at me,

"Well, you need to get out before I get Dumbledore" Lily threatened; though it sounded more like a whimper when Lucius narrowed his eyes at her. This wasn't good.

"Lily's right Lucius; you need to get out" Lucius smiled at me and took a step forward; causing me to take a step back.

"Aren't you happy to see me Liz?" he asked me; teasing.

"No" I deadpanned; he pouted and crossed his arms as he took another step towards me.

"Now that isn't nice Lizzie; I came all the way here to see you and this is how you react? I'm disappointed" I scoffed,

"You almost raped me Lucius, I think I have a reason to react like this" Hunter's eyes slightly widened at my answer and turned to look at him before frowning; not saying anything.

"That's in the past Lizzie; let's move on and start over" Lucius winked and I heard Lily gag from beside me. Lucius glared at her before turning back and smiling at me.

'If he even thinks that I'm ever going to forget what he did to me than he's wrong'

"I don't want anything to do with either of you; now get out" I replied; standing my ground. This time, they both glared at me and took out their wands; making Lily and I do the same.

"Wrong answer" they replied before spells were shot as us; the two of us dodged; ending up behind one of the desks that was now tipped over.

'Where the hell are the Professors?!?!' I thought, looking around and realizing that the Library was empty. As if reading my thoughts Lily asked,

"Where is everyone?" she asked; now looking around and barely dodging a spell that could've hit her head. Thank god we had those lessons on fast reactions.

"Everyone's having dinner; you guys should really watch the time" Hunter replied; hitting me in the arm with a Stuplify spell. My body whipped to the side and I fell to the floor; gripping my now bleeding arm in pain.

"Lizzie!" Lily cried; dodging more spells so that she could get to me. I tried moving my arm but I hissed in pain,

"Okay this is getting quite frustrating" I groaned; my hair turning a dark shade of green. I held up my good hand and froze them; moving my finger towards me their wands flew out of their hands and landed in mine.

'Why didn't I just do this before?'

"Okay Lil you have to get Dumbledore before this spell wears off"

"But what about you-" I cut her off

"I'll be fine; but you have to hurry" I finished and she hesitated before nodding her head, getting up from the floor and running out of the Library. I turned to the two now frozen boys and saw that they could move their eyes. They were both glaring at me; and if their mouths could move I bet I would get an earful of it too.

"This is your fault; you should've just stayed away" I said; slowly getting up and grabbing the side of a table to support me. I know realized that this cut was deeper than I had anticipated.

'We're the Same' (Sirius Black/Marauder's Era) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now