Chapter 1- My Hair Can Change Colour?

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"Elizabeth, get ready now! It's almost time for Diagon Alley" My brother Edgar screamed from downstairs; I rolled my eyes and slowly lifted myself from my warm comforter before ripping the sheets from my body. The cold air blew over my skin; causing goose-bumps to crawl all up my bare arms and legs. Shivering, I quickly got up and grabbed some clothes that were hanging in my closet; walking out and across the hall I walked in the main bathroom and closed the door before locking it behind me.

Dropping my clothes on the sink I turned on the taps of my shower and jumped in. Warm water splashed my skin as I sighed in content. I leaned down and grabbed my Lemon scented shampoo and quickly washing my hair; doing the same thing with conditioner and my orange body wash. After I finished I got out and wrapped a towel around my body; looking in the fogged mirror I wiped some of it away with my hand. Then, I grabbed my blow drier and quickly dried my hair so that it was in loose waves before getting dressed in dark green jeans, a yellow jumper, some black vans, and a necklace that I got from my grandmother. Putting on some mascara and some lip balm I also brushed my teeth; then I looked in the mirror one last time before I walked downstairs.

There my family stood waiting for me; almost annoyed. I knew they didn't like me; I've known this for years. Ever since I didn't receive that stupid Hogwarts letter when I was 11 they've looked at me different.

My fists clenched slightly at the thought, that stupid letter. If I would've gotten it then my family wouldn't hate me so much.

With that thought I sighed; knowing that if I would've gotten that letter I would have never known what my family is really like; and how cruel they really were.

Walking over to the door I reached up and grabbed my black jacket and put it over my shoulders. It may be August here but there's been a lot of rain lately making it cold and damp; but that's London for you I guess.

"Finally" Mom hissed; grabbing the car keys and heading out the door with the rest of us. You're probably wondering why we aren't just aparating to Diagon Ally; well it's because since I'm non-magic it won't work on me. If they tried aparating I would be left behind (though I don't think they would mind).

Walking over to our Mercedes we all got in as Mom started the car; it rumbled to life and we took off towards the main street of London. I watched as cars passed by us in a blur; hearing a light ding in the background I knew it was my mom's phone. Probably someone from work; but I knew things would get ugly once dad saw; he always gets into fights with her.

"Why are you texting work? They know it's your day off!" Dad stated; a little annoyed.

Here we go.

"I don't think this is any of your concern Ethan" Mom replied; Edgar and I shared a knowing look before I turned towards the window and tried to block out the noise; clenching onto my necklace subconsciously.

"Who's even texting you anyway?!"

"I don't have to tell you-"

"Who is it?!"

"Just Steven!"

"Oh, is that another guy you hooked up with? Maybe you'll have sex with them and make another mistake like Elizabeth!!" I shut my eyes; covering my ears as tears threatened to pour out.

"Oh shut up Ethan! Maybe if you just accept that Elizabeth is your child as well you'll realize that I wouldn't cheat! If you don't trust me then we should just split up!" Mom screamed; it immediately went silent in the car; the only thing you could hear was the sound of tires hitting gravel and cement.

'We're the Same' (Sirius Black/Marauder's Era) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now