Chapter 17- Patronus Charm

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The next morning it was awkward between Sirius and I. By now, everyone knew about the fight that happened yesterday in the kitchens. Lily thinks that I should talk to him and be mature about it, James is getting a kick out of us being immature, Remus is in the same boat as Lily and I don't even know what Peter thinks about the situation. And to make matters worse, Hunter is now a part of our group and Sirius thinks that we're all going against him; so now he's upset at all of us. He's being a prat if you ask me; a guy with too big of an ego.

He doesn't even sit with us anymore in the class or at dinner; he just mopes by himself in the corner. This time I'm just going to let him do his thing, if he wants to be an asshole than I'll let him. I don't even think he's asked what had happened in the pub to anyone; he's too stubborn to ask other peoples perspectives on what had happened after he left.

Sirius isn't even talking to James; and James is Sirius' best friend for Godric's sake!

I don't know, as I'm writing this in my journal I can't think of any ideas on how to even talk to him if I wanted to. People are beginning to think that we aren't together anymore; I see girls everyday now walking up to him at lunch or during break and sometimes even in class! Flirting and asking him if he's okay; and if they needed to make him forget whatever it is that he's mad about. That really makes my blood boil, obviously we are still together, it would've been announced to the whole school if we weren't and Sirius probably would've started dating again.

Thankfully, he doesn't flirt back with any of the girls that go up to him. I trust him don't get that mixed up; I just know what Sirius used to be like that's all.

I'll write soon, I have class now.

Elizabeth Jones

I put my fountain pen down and closed my teal ink pot. After putting everything back in it's place I closed my journal and placed it on my desk; putting a charm over it so that no one could just walk in and read it on command.

Looking at the clock It read 7:50am

'Guess I'm not eating breakfast today'

Grabbing my knapsack I pulled it over my shoulder and walked downstairs and out the common room. I had Charms first; we were learning the Patronus Charm. I was super excited; I didn't know what my Patronus would be. I heard that if your Patronus matches someone else's than that means that you two are 'soul mates'. A load of bull if you ask me; but it would be nice if that were true.

Walking to class I thought of what I would be,

An otter

A cat

A whale

I chuckled at the last one; then I thought of my Animagus.

A dog

I smiled at the thought of my Patronus being a dog; it would make sense after all since my Animagus

is a dog. I wonder what my friends will be, maybe they'll be whatever their Animagus' are as well. Lily a Doe, James a Stag, Peter a rat, Remus a wolf, and Sirius a dog.

I thought for a moment about Sirius, how was he? Is he still mad? Well obviously he is Liz or else he would be talking to you by now.

Shaking away my thoughts I realized that I was at the front door to my classroom; about half the class was there including Lily and James who were sitting next to each other. As I walked in she looked at me and smiled sadly, knowing that we wanted to sit together today. But, this is her boyfriend we're talking about; and I'm not about to cock-block someone.

'We're the Same' (Sirius Black/Marauder's Era) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now