Chapter 11- Practicing

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Over the next couple of weeks I practised like crazy, doing all different types of tricks that had to do with fire. And, along the way I found out that I could use all the elements because of this necklace. I had been using a bit of fire and wind in the past but I never knew that I could use water and earth.

I looked up and smiled softly; silently thanking my grandma for giving me this necklace. I guess she was right after all.

"Hey Liz" I looked over, putting the fire out that was in my palm and smiled when I saw my friends. Lily and Sirius bent down and sat next to me while Remus and James sat down across from us.

"How's it coming?" James asked, I shrugged my shoulders and lifted up my hand; making a ball of fire and shooting it at my wooden target that I had placed against the wall in the common room; hitting it straight in the chest.

"It's going good" I replied, chuckling at their shocked expressions.

"How is it you're learning so quickly?" Lily asked, I looked down at my hand and clenched it.

"Because I could always do this, I could always make fire. I just haven't tried using it since..." I stopped myself, trying not to remember the memory that I've tried so hard to forget.

"Since what?" Sirius asked; I opend my mouth but it took me a second to talk.

"Since my parents died" the room went quiet after I had said this. I tried lightening the mood by changing the subject,

"I actually remember the first time I had used fire, when I had burnt my parent's staircase"

"How did you manage to do that?" Remus chuckled,

"Well, they were yelling at me, they were yelling horrible things, calling me names. And I don't know something in me just snapped and next thing I know I've burned the staircase" Sirius grabbed my unclenched hand as my other made a ball of water. They all watched in amazement as I twirled it around my palm before turning it into a rock. I threw the rock up in the air and then caught it again. I did this a couple of times before I stopped, crushed it in my palm; and then opened it to see a bright, colourful flower blooming from my hand. I thought back to that memory that only happened 2 years ago.

If you weren't born your dad and I wouldn't be fighting" my fists clenched even more; anger seeping into me.

"We would have a perfect family"

"A perfect life"

"And most importantly we wouldn't have to deal with you"

Something snapped in me; looking up my hair turned a beat red as flames erupted in my fists.

"SHUT UP!! SHUT UP, SHUT UP!!" I screamed; burning the floor around me as tears fell from my eyes. They took a step back as I screamed even more; looking down at my necklace I saw that it was shining a bright blue.

That memory brought tears to my eyes, though; I'm happy that it happened otherwise I wouldn't have met such great people.

"Liz?" I looked at Remus,

"I think you've mastered the elements, now you need to practice teleporting" I stared at Remus along with everyone else and nodded.

"But, what if you mess up and you get yourself hurt?" Sirius said, gripping my hand tightly in his. I smiled at him and kissed him lovingly on the cheek.

"I'm willing to take that risk because I would rather get hurt than have my body taken over"


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