Chapter 8-Imperio

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After we watched Sirius drive around in his new motorcycle Lily and I decided that we wanted to head to bed early. So, after saying goodnight to everyone we headed up the stairs, got in our PJ's and went to bed. It didn't take us long to fall asleep; but not long after I was woken up to someone opening our dorm door, and shuffling their way inside. I sat up and looked around; but my eyes hadn't adjusted to the dark yet so I couldn't see anything. I felt my hair change colour, probably white considering how scared I was right now. Then, I heard someone whispering right by my ear that almost made me jump if they hadn't also grabbed me by the arm.

"Master won't be happy if you don't wear the necklace Elizabeth Jones, Master will be mad at Peter if he doesn't have you put the necklace on" I shook my head and scooted myself away from him.

"Peter please, you don't have to do this" I heard him chuckle before he shined his wand at me; now seeing him it revealed how crazy he looked, his hair was dishevelled and he had bags under his eyes.

"Peter" I warned, now talking louder in hopes of waking Lily.

"Imperio" I felt my body jolt, now up off the bed. I felt as if I was on a cloud, I wish I could stay like this forever.

"Put the necklace on" I heard a voice at the back of my mind and I looked around, stopping when my eyes landed on my dresser. I felt myself willingly walk up to the dresser, open the drawer up and take out the necklace that was now tinted black from the curse.

"Liz don't do it! it's evil!" I heard another voice say, I stopped and looked back down at the necklace; not really sure what to do. I felt so good and putting on the necklace seemed right but that voice seemed urgent...almost desperate.

"Put the necklace!" without a second thought on what the other voice said I put the necklace on, I heard the other voice scream in protest but it stopped at soon as I snapped the clasp in place around my neck. I could feel the cool metal against my chest and now that I had it on; I didn't feel good about it anymore.

"Good, good" I heard Peter squeak in excitement. I felt the spell lift from me and I turned, seeing that Peter was now pointing his wand at my forehead.

"Now get back into bed, and Don't. Say. A word." He hissed, I nodded and walked to my bed; getting in carefully in case he thought that I'd do something. I turned so that I wasn't looking at him,

"Sleep" I felt something hit me before everything went black.


I felt someone shaking me; I groaned and sat up while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I opened them, and looked over to see Lily still in her pajamas. She gasped, covering her mouth with her hands.

"What?" I asked, lifting my hands to feel my face; it felt fine to me.

"Liz...your skin...your eyes..." I didn't hear the rest because I was already on my feet, running to the bathroom. I turned the light on and gasped when I took a look at myself in the mirror. There, I saw that my skin was a sickly pale colour, my eyes were grey and my hair was white but when I tried to change it back or even feel another emotion it wouldn't change. But, what scared me the most were my veins, which were a coal black and were popping out all up my chest, arms, and legs.

"What's wrong with me?" I whispered, Lily came in with a grim look on her face.

"Liz...when did you put your necklace on?" then the memories of what happened last night came back to me.

"Put the necklace on Elizabeth"

"Put the necklace!"

I looked down and saw the necklace, now all black and grey with no colour left in the opal. I grabbed a hold of it and mentally apologised to my grandmother before trying to rip the necklace off of me.

'We're the Same' (Sirius Black/Marauder's Era) *COMPLETED*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang