Chapter 23- Family Issues

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A few weeks went by and today's the day that we're going to James' house for Easter; and let's just say that I've never seen Lily more nervous.

"Lil's you'll be fine; I know they'll love you" I said; running a brush through her curls with a brush once more before putting it down and looking at her in the mirror. Since she wants to give off a first impression she begged me to do her hair and makeup again just like last time; and to pick out an outfit for her. Her hair flowed down in ringlets; with a bit of glitter in them. Her makeup was VERY subtle just like last time; a little bit of mascara and lipstick. And as for her outfit I tried coming up with something that was her style so I came up with a green turtle neck, some jeans and heels with a back pack and some makeup.

(Outfit: )

After I finished she smiled in the mirror and hugged me,

"Oh thank you Liz" she said; picking up her bags and struggling out the door,

"Um Lil?" I asked before I waved my wand and the bags were levitating beside us. She smiled sheepishly and scratched her neck while laughing awkwardly.

"Sometimes I forget that we can do that" she said quietly; I laughed and waved her off.

"I think everyone does at one point Lil" I replied; walking out of our dorm before closing it. I opened Luna's cage and let her fly beside us before we made it to the train.

Walking on the gravel ground the only sound we heard was the crunching from the rocks. Making it to the train we handed our suitcases off and I put Luna back in her cage; holding her with my two hands. Looking around I saw that we were one of the last students to arrive.

One of the last.

"Where are James, Peter, Remus and Sirius?" Lily asked; looking around to see if they were just hiding behind a tree; ready to scare us. But that wasn't the case.

"I'm not sure Lil" I replied; I looked over at the man who was dealing with our bags and tapped him on the shoulder, maybe the guys had already boarded when they realized that we were going to be late.

"Excuse me do you know if James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew have boarded yet?" the man shook his head.

"No sorry mam; but trust me if they were boarded you would know" I smiled and nodded; thanking him before I went back to Lily.

"Nothing" I said; we heard the train blow it's whistle; signalling that it was leaving soon.

"Oh no; the boys better make it" Lily said; just as the words left her mouth we saw 4 black dots running towards us; squinting my eyes I realized that it was the guys. My eyes widened along with Lily's once we realized this,

"HURRY GUYS! THE TRAIN IS ABOUT TO LEAVE!" we yelled; the man had stopped and waited outside with us; the train blew Its whistle again. Once more and it would begin to move; but in a couple of seconds they had practically thrown their stuff at the guy and ran on the train; Lily followed but I stayed and helped the man quickly put the bags in.

"Liz come on!" Lily yelled; we put the last bag in and closed it shut just as the train blew it's last whistle and began to move.

"Come on!" I said to the man; running to the door that was still opened and jumped on; giving the man room immediately so he could do the same. Just as his feet hit the train floor and he closed the door we began going faster; too fast for us to have run on before.

'We're the Same' (Sirius Black/Marauder's Era) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now