Chapter 8- ButterBeer & Lily's Ankle

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"No problem Liz" the sound of my name rolling off of his tongue made me blush; looking at his features up close I realize how handsome he actually is-

No Liz you can't, you cannot be crushing on someone who's a cocky, egotistical, asshole who just plays with every girl's heart.

An asshole who's grey eyes are so dreamy and his curly black hair that I'd love to run my fingers threw-

Oh my god, what am I thinking? Do I seriously have a thing for Sirius Black?

Looking back up at Sirius I watched as he laughed at something Remus said and I realized that,

I do.

I do have a crush on Sirius.


"Liz?" I snapped back to reality and looked over at Lily; who was looking at me in concern.

"Yeah?" I asked,

"You okay?" I shuttered in response but nodded my head.

"Yeah; though I would've preferred someone else for my first kiss" I replied

"He was your first kiss?!" I heard Sirius yell

"Well technically yes; even though I didn't kiss him back it was still lip to lip contact" I replied; Sirius balled up his fists and looked over to where Lucius and the others left from.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked; walking over and putting my hand on his shoulder. He relaxed instantly and smiled while looking down at me causing my stomach to do flips.

"Yeah I'm fine" he replied; I knew he was lying but it's not like I was going to force it out of him. So all I did was nod,

"Hey Liz and I were going to go to The Three Broomsticks; want to come?" everyone looked at Lily strangely; never has she asked the guys to hang with us. Did she hit her head when she fell?

"Yeah sure! That would be great" Remus replied; James said nothing. All he did was smile at Lily as she walked ahead of them along with me.

"What was that about??" I whispered; she blushed and shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know; It kind of slipped out" she replied; I smirked though. Because I knew she was starting to like a certain someone *cough* James *cough*

"Lil...are you beginning to like James?" I asked; she blushed harder and looked behind us to make sure that they weren't listening.

"I don't know...maybe?...Yes? okay I do but it's just so hard to when he's so cocky and his ego is the size of Russia" she replied; massaging her temples.

"I know what you mean" I replied; looking behind me at Sirius who was currently giving James a nougie...okay.

"You mean Sirius? Do you actually like Sirius?" she asked curiously. I sighed and nodded my head,

"Yeah I do but it's like you said; they're too cocky for their own good"


I watched Liz walk up beside Lily in front of us; turning my head I realized that James was watching Lily with a dreamy look in his eyes; I smacked him at the back of the head causing him to put a hand on his head and glare at me.

"What was that for?"

"I was saving you from embarrassment" I replied; resting my hands behind my head.

'We're the Same' (Sirius Black/Marauder's Era) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now