Chapter 19- I think I Love Her

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"Don't talk to him that way!"

"See here we go again, you defending someone who just wants to get in your pants!"

"Oh for fuck sakes HE'S GAY SIRIUS!" his face softened and he blinked a couple times.


"Yeah there you go, the truth is out! How do you feel now? You feel better that I'm not letting some guy get in my pants? Who do you think I am? One of your ex's? well guess what? you're right! I am one of your ex's! we're done! Fuck you Sirius Black!" I screamed, then stormed down the hall. I heard both boys calling my name but I did nothing but ignore them.



Liz stormed off down the hall and disappeared around the corner; making the hallway dark again. Looking back at Sirius I noticed that his face was blank. He hadn't said anything ever since Liz had left. Though, I don't blame him; she did just dump him.

But then again I also don't blame Liz, for the past week long was it? Who knows, all I know is he didn't even think to listen to her.

Jeez, this sounds like one of those romance novels I had in muggles studies, oh what was it called? Oh well, I never was good in that class anyway.

"Well uh...that didn't go over well" I said; laughing awkwardly. Sirius looked at me with a blank stare, not saying a word in response.

"You know, I can see that you care about her very much Sirius. And standing around here looking like a lost puppy isn't going to do you any good" his facial expression didn't change one bit.

I sighed in annoyance.

"Look, what I'm trying to say is don't just stand here and think that all is lost, go and get your girl back" he blinked, and shock suddenly showed up on his face.

"I can't believe she broke up with me" I groaned

"Yeah neither can I" I replied, sarcasm laced in my words.

"Now go get her, what are you standing around here for? Go!" Sirius jumped up and nodded his head quickly as he ran down the hall, following her footprints.

"Jeez, if he wasn't so thick I think I might've taken a liking to that guy"

Chuckling, I walked down the hallway for dinner.


Where did she go? She couldn't have gone that far. I've checked the Gryffindor common room, her room, the dining hall, the kitchens, and even the black lake! The only place that I haven't checked yet is the forbidden forest.

I stopped mid step in the hallway and smiled, the forbidden forest. Of course she would go there!

I grabbed a torch from the wall and ran out onto the fields, past the black lake and stopped at the entrance of the forbidden forest.

"Okay, here we go" I walked in and immediately felt like there was 10 tonnes on my shoulders. There's a reason why people don't come in here much; and why its forbidden. But, the boys and I have been in here lots of times. Especially at night whenever the full moon comes.

But this time it felt different, this time I truly felt alone. There wasn't a James to laugh along with, no scaredy-cat Peter to cling onto my shirt from behind, and no Remus to tell us that this was another one of our bad ideas (well, that is before he would turn).

'We're the Same' (Sirius Black/Marauder's Era) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now