Chapter 32 || "Sugar Mama"

Start from the beginning

"Helaina, do you know how ridiculous that sounds?" he laughs. "That's like saying you should only ever wear the same seven shirts and pants every week because you know you like them, so you shouldn't wear anything else."

"Okay, that's entirely different. Besides, who are you to talk about clothes? That's basically what you do." I shoot back, smirking at him.

Before Shawn has the chance to respond, the waiter- a tall, fit boy with curly brown hair- walks up to us and starts talking.

"Hey Shawn." he says, and Shawn smiles.

"Hey Kyle."

I stare at the two of them, trying to figure out how they know each other. Shawn turns to me and begins to explain their relationship.

"Kyle's in the same frat as me." Shawn explains, and I nod.

"Oh, so you must know Sebastian." I say, looking up at him.

"Yeah, we pledged the same year." he says. I nod. "So, what can I get you guys to drink?"

"I'll have a coke." Shawn says.

"Can I have one too, please?" I ask.

"Yeah, sure thing." Kyle says, walking away to go get us our sodas.

"Are you guys friends?" I ask as soon as he's gone. Shawn shrugs.

"I guess. I'm not really quote-on-quote friends with any of the guys yet in my frat, but Kyle's probably the closest." he explains.

"Hey, I have an idea!" I yell a little too loudly. Shawn laughs, and I lower my voice back to a normal volume. "Why don't you ask Kyle to get you a job here?"

"I don't know..." he says.

"Why not? You need one, and you said so yourself that he's the closest to a friend that you have in the frat. Maybe if you guys work together he'll be your best friend, like Isaac was back home."

"Okay, fine, I'll ask him." Shawn gives in, and I smile. Kyle walks back over with our drinks, sliding a cup in front of each of us.

"Do you already know what you want to order or do need a few more minutes?" he asks.

"Yeah we know. I'll have a steak burrito with everything inside."

"That comes with rice and beans too, is that fine?"

Shawn nods.

"Can I have the hard tacos with chicken and cheese?" I ask.

"Okay, I'll go put the order in and it should be ready shortly." Kyle says, grabbing our menus and walking away.

"That's all you get?" Shawn asks, and I shrug.

"Yeah, it may be a little plain but I like the way it tastes." I say.

"I almost forgot to give you guys these." Kyle says, suddenly reappearing at the table. He slides a basket of tortilla chips onto the table and walks away. I immediately grab a chip and start chewing.

"Are you going to apply at any of the places?" Shawn asks me, grabbing a chip as well.

"Yeah, duh." I say, reaching for another. "I'll probably apply at a few and see which ones call me back."

"That's smart." Shawn agrees.

We sit in silence for a few moments, both of us eating the chips, before I look away from the window and turn back to Shawn.

"I'm kind of dreading tomorrow." I admit.



"What's so bad about it? I thought you liked that class." he says.

"I do like it; the actual subject, that is. Our classmates, however..." I trail off.

"Our classmates? What do you-" Shawn begins, but as the words come out, the door to the restaurant opens and I curse, cutting him off.

"Shit!" I yell, quickly looking down. Shawn looks at me in confusion.

"What? What's wrong?" he asks.

"Just turn around and see for yourself." I mumble, sinking lower in my chair.

Shawn turns around, before quickly whipping his neck back around and looking at me with wild eyes.

"Shit! What is Xavier doing here?"


AN: next chapter is up!! sorry i feel like this one was kind of boring, but don't worry there's multiple reasons why this chapter is significant in its own way that will later make sense so yeah lmao.

as always, don't forget to comment/vote/follow me! hope you enjoyed

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