CH 64: The Plan (Part 1)

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All eyes in the room are on Yo after his brief display of power. I take for granted that he needs my protection from the world at large and I tend to conveniently forget that he can protect himself. 

Yo chooses to allow others to protect him not because he can't take care of himself in most situations, but because he doesn't want to cause others harm. This show of the skills he has learned so far tells me it's something I need to keep in mind in the future.

Now that everyone is calm again, we need to figure out what to do. We need to come up with a plan on how to deal with Park and Pring. Deciding to restart the conversation I clear my throat, but Yo begins before I'm able to.



I'm calm now after that little explosion, which proved to me I needed to remain calm. I didn't mean to lose it like that. I just couldn't help it. My uncle has told me repeatedly about how hard it could be to control my powers when I'm emotional. Now I understand what he meant by that.

As I gather my thoughts to speak, Pha clears his throat, but I have questions that I need answered before he tries to form a plan, so I speak first. "P'Park, why did you save me the other night?"

"No one believes me, but it's the truth: I don't want you to die. You're my brother and I want a chance to know you. It's why I introduced myself and came to talk to you every opportunity I got."

"Why didn't you tell me who you were?"

"Was I just supposed to walk up to you and say, 'Hi, I'm your brother you've never met. Can we be friends? Oh, by the way our sister wants to kill you.'" Sarcasm drips from his words.

"Which leads to another question. Why? Why does she want me dead?"

"Pring said if you die before age 20 then all your money will go to dad. She wants him to use it to save his company."

Money. This is all about money. I don't know whether to cry or scream, but my response it delayed by uncle Charong laughing.

"That's what this is about?" Charong demands when he stops laughing. At Park's nod, Charong tells us, "Your sister is wrong. Your family will get nothing, even if something happens to Wayo. Money only goes to the parents if there is no named beneficiary, but there is one on Wayo's trust fund. Me. My sister was smart, too smart to leave something like that open ended."

Park looks upset by his words, "So everything she did was for nothing. Maybe if she had known we wouldn't be here now."

"I doubt that." Charong tells him. "Your sister seems to have been poisoned by your father."

We're getting off topic and I still have questions I need answered. "Alright, I think we all understand what got us here." I respond, I cannot afford to let any of their words upset me further. Focusing on Park again, I ask, "What do you want out of this now?"

"What do you mean?" He responds warily.

"Today, you had the chance to let Pring hurt me again, but you turned us away at the last second. You saved me the other night and you're here with us now. Even though Pha and my uncle think they're making you talk, they're not. You're giving us information you don't have to give us, because you want something. So, what is it?"

He balks at my blunt question, but Pha has caught the drift of my question and tells him, "We're obviously going to form some sort of plan to make all this drama end. If you have input, you need to give it now. This will be your only chance."

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