" I love you."

She meant it. Dickon was the person who helped her open up more than Margaery had already gotten her to. He was there for her when she heard of her mother and brother's deaths. He meant so much to her.

" I love you, too. Have you thought of names yet?"

" Eddard if it is a boy after my father and Catelyn after my mother if it is a girl. If that is alright with you?"

" Whatever you want. The King has asked me to speak with him. I am going to ask him if we can go home after your brother's wedding."

Sansa and Rickon had barely spent a moment apart since he arrived. When they weren't together, her brother was with his betrothed, Shireen Baratheon. She was proud of her brother for not judging the poor girl based off of her infirmity.

From what he had told her, Rickon liked her very much. It was quite possible that when they were older their's would be a marriage of love.

" I would like that. I want to see where you grew u..." Sansa started but she felt a sharp pain in her belly and something wet running down her thigh.

" Sansa, what is it?!" her husband questioned worridly.

" It's too early! Why is this happening?" she thought aloud. " Go get the midwives and tell Ser Garrett to go and find the Queen. Please Dickon! Hurry!"

Dickon nodded and quickly exited their chambers.

She made her way over to the bed, stripping herself of the dress that felt like a weight on her shoulders, down to her shift. She climbed on top of the silk coverings a rested her head against the pillows.

Ripples of pain kept flooding over her. It was worse than anything she had ever experianced in her life.

After long, agonizing moments, Dickon came through the door with the midwives who came with everything they need to help bring her child into this world.

" How long have you been like this, my lady?" one of the woman asked.

" Half an hour, at least." Sansa said not really caring for time when it happened.

" This will be one of the quickest births I have ever seen then. You are already at four fingers. Just stay calm and breathe. Save your energy for when it is time to push."

After what seemed like an eternity, the door opened for Queen Margaery to rush in to Sansa's side.

" Margaery." she whimpered. " It hurts so much."

" I promise it will be over soon." Margaery said as Sansa squeezed her hand as more ripples of pain split through her.

" I am going to die."

She thought of how her family was cursed. Her aunt died, her father, her mother, her brothers, and maybe even Arya. Now, she was next. She wouldn't even get to meet her baby.

" You are not going to die. Sansa, look at me." the Queen said sternly as she grabbed the sides of Sansa's face.
" You are going to live a long happy life. You are going to hold your child in your arms and you are going to see it grow up."

" It is time to push, my lady." the midwife said from the foot of the bed.

Dickon had cautiously made his way over to her other side as if he was afraid to get too close. He grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

Sansa pushed with everything that she had. It felt like nothing was happening. Like there would only be the pain and no end result until she gave a final push and heard a sharp wail.

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