3 Damara

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This is the 3rd request made by leviathan_tears. I'm glad you requested and I hope you enjoyed all the request I wrote😊
Song is Count Me In by. Early Winters

Half of my loud needy pin
hooked on a dream that is reeling' me in.

The end of the world. I never thought anything good would come out of it. But then I met them. I met Rick and his group. And there was Carl. It was like a dream finding them. They saved me. I would have been dead if it wasn't for them. They saved me from both the walkers and myself. Then we found the prison and everything seemed perfect. Like nothing bad could ever happen.

Oh is this how we begin?

I think that's where I began to grow feelings for Carl. With how peaceful it was we grew closer and acted more or less like normal kids and made friends.

Flowers on fire in black and white film.

Then the governor came back and he wanted the place. And lets just leave it at this... It didnt end well. Everything was on fire. There were walkers everywhere. Everyone was split up. It was like the dream crashed and burned.

Curtains of rain on the pier
watching the skirt of the day disappear.

I was alone again and running through the forest trying to run away from reality and tried to find some place safe.

Caught like a wheel in a groove
I'm cranking it big but it don't wanna move.

Then I tripped. I heard all the walkers come after me but I couldn't move. I didnt want to. I just stayed there on the ground not moving an inch but before I could be killed they all fell dead and I was being helped up by Carol. And just like that I had found a lottle hope. More when I saw Judith and Tyreese.

Count me in

I stayed with Tyreese as Carol went on ahead to check out this Terminus place and see if it was safe for us. And by us we all kmew it basically ment Judith.

Count me in

When Carol got back I was so happy to know she was safe but the thing that got me ecstatic was seeing everyone I began to see as family come back with her.

Count me in

She also came with new people. And now we are on a new adventure. One that is going to take us to a hopefully safe place. The only thing is that there is lots of walking involved and I am not a fan if that. The only good thing is I get to catch up with everyone with what has happened since the prison.

The water is perfectly still
Fall of a thunderbolt waiting until
when the lightening nearly hits the lake

It was best when I caught up with Carl while we were at the church. I think no missed him most of all and not just because I have a crush on him but because he is the only one my age that understands how I feel in all of this.

you'll know how it feels to want you and wait.

When I thought I lost him back in the prison I felt do broken and incomplete. This would be my only tike to tell him how I feel before something else happens that'll pull is apart or stop me.

Count me in

But before I could tell him everything went wrong. Like the universe doesmt want me to tell him about my feelings. And it makes me feel a little hopeless but keeping everyone safe is the only thing important right now.

Count me in

We are back to walking trying to get to D.C. amd it sucks. But if that is the best place to be then so be it. I just wish we had water then I would be more ok with this whole trip.

Count me in
Count me in
Count me in

The barn is the best place to be in the whole world. I know I asked for water but a storm isn't really what I had in mind. I'm just glad we can finally sleep. I wad getting mysepf comfortable when Carl came over to me. "Hey."

"Hi Carl. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just wanted you to know that I really like you and I always want to be by your side. What about you?"

Count me in
Count me in
Count me in
Count me in

I was shocked by his words. All this time I was trying to tell.him and he beat me to the punch. I shook out my shock and smiled at him.

"Count me in"

Carl Grimes X Reader One-Shots Where stories live. Discover now