Bilbo x (Secret Love!) Reader

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For: Undercover_Fangirl197

(This is going to be two parts!)

"Well good morning to ya miss Barrowes!"

"Hello miss Barrowes!"

"Miss Barrows, may I interest you in some nice, juicy bacon and potatoes? They're half off!"

Walking through town was always a hassle. You had just wanted to grab some fish for supper, but since your family is very well known and very rich, people begged for your attention since you were the daughter of Cheldric and Brunhild Barrowe. They wanted to be your friend because you were a powerful name in town..for their sons and for themselves.

Walking up to a stand in the market, you smiled at the friendly Mrs. Ellie Diggle. She was a close friend of yours and you had helped her out when her husband had died last autumn. She was an older hobbit (45-50 in human years) and you had helped her settle back in. Her bright brown eyes crinkled in the corners as you approached. 

"Good morning Y/n, how could I help you?"

"Hi Ellie! I just came into town for some fish for supper tonight." 

Ellie shot you a quizzical glance and started to pack your order. "Ain't that what your servants  are for though missy?" 

She handed you your wrapped fish ans you gratefully placed it into your basket. "Why yes Ellie, but I figured I would take this one thing, they have a lot on their plate already, dealing with my parents and all." 

Patting your hand, Ellie shot you a sympathetic glance. "You are to kind Y/n. Now go on before your parents send someone to look for you." 

Giving a small wave, you turned and began your long trek home. Picking flowers along the way, your hand subconsciously traveled to your stomach. You knew what would go down when you went home. Your parents were trying to push a husband on you, and it had to be a person of equal or higher wealth than them, no more no less. You were against it from the start because you were already seeing another hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. On one of your many visits, hiding from your parents, from town, you had..well.. done some things (Tries to do a wink but fails miserably*) and that had led to the child growing in your stomach. You were thrilled, but you could not tell Bilbo or anyone. You could not risk your parents wrath on your unborn child, Bilbo or you. 

You remembered last night when you and Bilbo had met together in your secret spot in the clearing in the woods. Giggling I ran into the clearing with Bilbo. He grabbed my hand and twirled me around until I was in his arms and we were swaying to our own song, the moon and stars being our only witnesses. Bilbo leaned in and kissed me on the lips. Leaning back, we sat down on the blanket he brought. Sitting in each others arms, we were listening to the wind in the trees behind us and the crickets singing their tune. Placing a shaky hand on my stomach, I took in a breath to tell Bilbo that he would soon be a dad. "Bilbo," "Y/n," we spoke at the same time. "I'm sorry Bilbo, you go first." Giving you a smile, he took his hand in yours. "Y-Yn. Tomorrow morning, I am leaving." Taking your hand out of his, you looked at him curiously. "Leaving? Where?" He looked you in the eye. "An adventure." You gasped. "An Adventure?!" Nodding, he took your hands into his again and pulled out a small box. "I know I am going on a long journey, but Y/n, I can not wait any longer..marry me, please, I love you. I may be going away, but my love for you is only getting stronger. So please, my love..marry me?" Laughing, you gave him the tightest hug you could muster. "Of course!" 

Straightening your sunhat, you stood straighter and finished your walk to the edge of town where a huge hobbit hole lay. In the moment of joy, you had completely forgot to tell him you were carrying his child and chose to spend the rest of the night with him. Now you had know one to speak to, courtesy of your parents, they hated Bilbo anyways, so they were glad he left, but I was angry and sad, but understood that he needed this.

 Sighing as you reached the door, you placed on a fake smile before entering. Walking into the sitting area, you saw your father working on work papers and your mother tapping her foot on the ground, agitated. Placing a fake smile on your face, you greeted your parents. 

"Good morning Mother, Father." 

They only stared at you. "Where were you Y/n." 

Taking in a breath, you started "I only went into town to buy some fish an-"

"Why would you go into town. We have servants for that." Your mother said.

"Well I know bu-"

"Your not a servant are you Y/n?" Your father interrupted rudely.

"No I am not a servant but please, I only went into town to get out of the house for a while!"

Looking at each other, your parents gave you a disapproving look. "Why did you leave when you know you need to find a husband that we approve of! You have no respect for us, we brought you into the world, and all you do is play with the commoners! You are a barrowe, you are the most elite in Hobbiton and Bree, but you slander our good name! You should be finding a husband!" 

Anger filled your veins. "BUT I HAVE!" 

Shoving your ringed finger in their faces, you smiled and their shocked faces. 

"I am marrying Bilbo Baggins. He may not be as "Rich" as us, but we love each other none less! When he gets back, we are getting married and nothing you do can stop us!." 

Your fathers face had gone to stone, gripping your hand, he tore the ring off and threw it into the hallway. "YOU ARE NOT. You have disrespected our wishes one to many times Y/n. Your mother and I are picking a suitable, RESPECTABLE husband for you. You will marry someone of are choosing. Do you understand little girl." His voice had a steely edge and had gotten dangerously low. 

"But fath-" 

"DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" He yelled at me. 

"Clear as day." You hissed coldly. Spinning around, you marched to your room ignoring your parents screaming at you. Finding your ring on the hallway floor in the corner, you placed it gently in your hands and finished walking to your huge room. 

Locking your door, you curled up and cried. 

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