58 A Dinner with Family Shimada 3 (Present)

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Resignedly, Kano sighed. "Please, Yuna-chan. I don't want him to become a NEET."

"Dear. Let's talk about this after dinner, okay?" Satoko interjected. "It's almost ready. Wata, bring Yuna-chan to the table."

"Yes, Mum." He turned and started walking. "Come on, Yuna."

The blue-haired girl nodded to the parents with an embarrassed smile and followed her boyfriend. At the stairs he called up, "Dinner is ready!" Then he went on and disappeared through the next door to his left.

On her way, the high-school student noticed more photos hanging on the walls. Wataru's father along with foreigners. Maybe the recording came from his time in the United States of America. In any case, he looked in this photo a lot younger than today. She went on and looked at more pictures.

"Oh yes... the good old days," Kano's voice sounded beside her. She looked over her shoulder. "I played in two Hollywood movies. This photo was from the set." He pointed to a picture, whereupon several people stood and toasted. "Ninja III. You can't see my face because of the mask. And I was used as an extra for 'The Terminator' in the club scene. My half-brother had procured the jobs for me."

"I don't know either." The girl looked at the photo again. "It sure was a couple of years ago."

Wataru's father nodded. "Oh yeah. That's been over thirty years ago."

"Are you showing off with your acting career again, darling?" Satoko asked with a mischievous undertone as she balanced a few bowls on a tray.

"Did you ever play in a movie, Sa-chan?" He raised an eyebrow in amusement.

Rolling eyes, she returned, "What would have happened to me if you had made a breakthrough in Hollywood?"

"Can I help you, Shimada-san?" Yuna asked quickly.

The brown-haired shook her head. "No thanks. But Hollywood can get the rice cooker from the kitchen. Come with me, Yuna-chan." Nodding, the girl followed the mother as Kano sauntered back into the kitchen. Wataru was already sitting on the floor on a table side.

"Didn't you get your girlfriend something to drink?" Satoko complained as she set the tray down and put the bowls on the table. She turned to Yuna, "I'm sorry, I didn't raise him like that."

"There's a tea pitcher in the kitchen anyway. And I'm a guest in your house, Mum," the musician replied with a grin.

"Hmph." The mother looked at Yuna. "Does he at least look after you at your house?"

"Not really. Come on! Move and get the tea from the kitchen!" hissed the blue-haired, nudging her boyfriend with her foot.

"Wooah. Are you sure you don't mind my parents seeing what kind of monster you are?" He raised his hands defensively. Immediately Yuna's face went red and she squinted at her boyfriend's mother.

"You've always let yourself be pushed around by Sakura. Get the tea, boy." Kano entered the room with the rice cooker and deposited it at the end of the table.

"Yes, Dad." Sighing, Wataru scrambled to his feet and left the room.

They heard a brief exchange of words, then Takeru came in laughing. "Yeah. How long ago was it that I didn't have to carry the tea?" Grinning, he squatted down on the floor across from Yuna.

"Tomorrow you're back on duty," Satoko prophesied.

The cook apprentice pouted. "I think Kiri should have to do that too. After all, I work."

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