53 A French Evening 1 (Present)

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"Don't worry. That's not what this is about. She sneaks out at night with our dad's Katana and nobody knows what she's doing then," Yui explained.

"Oh... did you ask her?"

Inwardly, Yui face-palmed herself. She had suspected a few times that Ayumi was probably not the brightest, but this question once again was a clear proof. Well, some people were smart, others beautiful. At least she had gotten a job that suited her. "She's avoiding me. I thought that I could ask you. No offense."

"Okay. Shall I ask her for you?" the redhead asked.

No matter what Yui would answer, Ayumi would definitely question the other Masuda sister, because, if she was really hunting Oni again, and practically in front of her sister, then she was in for a lot of trouble. She wondered if Wataru knew anything about it or if Yuna was acting on her own. Sometimes Ayumi wished that she was not the only adult who knew about Yuna's double life so she would not have to keep an eye out for the little stubborn-head. Midori would certainly be suitable as well, but if the nurse would believe such a crazy story at all, the hostess could not imagine. And then, as a guardian, she already had so much responsibility and her pregnancy came along too.

No. The task of keeping Yuna under control was quite clear a job for the redhead.

"I doubt she would tell you the truth," Yui admitted with a shrug. "Doesn't matter. Have fun."

"Hm. Maybe she'll tell you when she's ready. Isn't it often like that? Sometimes you have a secret and just don't know how to confess to someone. Or, you are afraid of how the other one will react."

A good-natured smile appeared on the face of the younger one. "You're right. Thanks for the advice."

"You're welcome. But now I have to go. There's a man's heart that wants to be conquered."

"Get it, tigress." Laughing, the two women parted, but as soon as Ayumi reached the landing, her face darkened. What the hell was Yuna thinking?

She stepped out of the pension into the street, where she already discovered the car of her date. She strutted toward it, catching the glances of the occasional passers-by as the driver disembarked. Kyo moved around his car and opened the passenger door for her. "Good evening, Ayumi-chan." His gaze slid over her long legs, the tight dress that began over her knees, and then over her cleavage to her face. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you, Kyo-kun." They greeted each other with cheek-kisses, then the redhead entered the car. Her date closed the door and went to the driver's side with some jealous glances following him. "Where are we going? I hope I didn't overdo it." Her flawless white teeth flashed.

"I reserved a table in the red dog for us. Only took three weeks."

"Hm." She licked her lips. "It's kind of expensive. We can go somewhere else."

Grinning, Kyo looked over at her. "Don't worry. I'll invite you."

"No. Not because of that." So far he had invited her on every date. He was just old-fashioned. "There are customers of mine frequenting that place."

"So? Are you worried that I'm going to get jealous when they look at you?"

Thoughtfully she ruffled her hair. "Kyo-kun, I really like you. And I want this to work out with us, okay?"


"It's also part of my job to flirt with my clients and stuff like that. My exes couldn't handle it."

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