CH 44: Actually, You Kissed Me

Start from the beginning

His lips press sweetly against mine for a few more seconds before he pulls back just a little and says softly, "So, now you've kissed me." His lips are still so close they brush against mine when he speaks.

"Well actually, you kissed me, my Kitkat. So, can I kiss you now?" I whisper.

He breathes out a yes and I swallow it as I capture his mouth for a scorching kiss. When he takes a breath in surprise, I plunge my tongue inside and plunder every treasure his mouth has to offer. I twine our tongues together, then pull back to suck and bite gently at his lips. I end it by planting small kisses at the corners of his lips and on his cheeks, nose, eyes and forehead.

When I lean back, my mate looks a little stunned, and that gives me a thoroughly satisfied feeling. I can't resist dipping in for one last soft gentle kiss on his lips, before forcing myself to open the car door and climb out.

I walk around to Kit's window and knock, startling him as he swings around to look at me in a bemused way. I motion for him to roll down it down and when he does, I lean in and caress his cheek, "Can I see you tomorrow?"

His answer is a simple nod.

I give him my brightest smile, "Goodnight, my Kitkat."



I watch Ming walk away and once he's inside his building, I shake my head to clear it of the crazy thoughts that are invading it.

Crazy thoughts like following him inside. Crazy thoughts like kissing him more. Crazy thoughts like mating him now.

Stop! Stop! Stop! It's just been a little over a month. There is still plenty of time before I need to decide. I still have almost two months left. Just start the car and drive away Kit. Drive away. And I do. It physically pains me to do it, but I do.

How is Beam holding up under all this pressure? Is he having as hard a time as me? I need to talk to him and see where he is on making a decision about this.

Who am I kidding? Knowing Beam, he'll just completely blow off my questions with ridiculous answers. Still I think I need to at least try to talk to him.


Beam and I live in the same building and I'm currently knocking on his door, but getting no answer. Where is he? I thought Forth was bringing him home? Maybe they stopped to get something to eat also.

I decide to call him, and he finally picks up right before it goes to voicemail, "Ai'Kit, w-what do you n-need?"

"Where are you? I want to talk to you." I pause because there is a slamming noise and some mumbling on Beam's side of the line. "What was that? Why are you breathing so heavy? Look never mind, I don't care. When will you be home?"

"Uhm... home? L-later. I have... ahh... something I have to d-do right now, Ai'Kit. I'll... uhm, yeah... so I'll... hmm... t-talk to you later."

"Alright, forget it. I'll talk to you tomor..." Well, I was going to say tomorrow, but Beam had already disconnected the call. Jerk.



When they released me, Pha brought me home. He's still freaking out a little, but he's not as bad as he was earlier.

"Tomorrow I'll get us breakfast early then we can watch some movies and we'll figure out the rest of the day after that."

"Tomorrow? Tomorrow is Friday. It's a school day P'Pha."

"I know. I'm going to skip classes to take care of you."

"No, you are not." I put my foot down. "You need to go to your classes. I will be fine during the day by myself."

Pha decides to put his own foot down, and unfortunately his is larger than mine. "That is not going to happen, Yo. The doctor said you need to be monitored in case your symptoms get worse. There is no way you are staying here alone."

I try the pout, "But, I will be fine by myself for a few hours."

His irritated look tells me it's not working, "No."

I can be irritated too you know, "Fine, but you are going to school. Someone else can stay with me." I say as I cross my arms over my chest.

"Who?" he demands.

Hmm, I didn't think that far. Everyone else has classes tomorrow too. Who could stay with me?

"N'Yo, what about your uncle? He comes every day anyway, right."

"Yeah, but I don't think he knows I got hurt."

"He'd find out tomorrow afternoon, wouldn't he?"

"Yeah, uhm ok. I guess I can give him a call, then."



My phone rings and I pick it up. I'm a bit surprised at the caller id, he's never called me before.

"Wayo, hello."

"Hello, uncle. Uhm, what time are you coming tomorrow?"

Why is he asking? He knows the time, "I'll be there at 5pm like normal."

"Could... maybe... you come a little earlier tomorrow? Like in the morning?"

What is going on? "Won't you be in classes?"

"Uhm, no, not tomorrow. I fell and got hurt..."

"You WHAT? What happened? Where are you?"

He explains what happened and I am so angry, I could kill. Who the hell attacked my nephew? I've only just been allowed back into his life, I will not have him taken away again. Sometimes, I can't believe how stupid I was to agree to my sisters demands, but I couldn't say no to her at the time.

"What time do I need to be there and who is staying with you tonight?"

"If you could come at 8am that would be great and ah, uhm, a friend is staying over with me."

From his hesitation, I know it must be the person who left the hickey on his neck, "Your boyfriend?"

"Uhm, yes." He blurts out then changes the subject quickly. "So, you'll come then?"

"Yes, I'll be there, and I expect to meet you boyfriend in the morning when I get there. What's his name?"

"Phana, Uncle. But he, uhm, he has school tomorrow, so he'll be leaving before..."

I'm not surprised to hear that name surface in my nephew's life. "Don't worry. I'll be there early, so I can meet him. Tell him he better be there too."

"Yes, uncle." He says as he sounds resigned, "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Wayo."

I remember Phana from when my sister was alive, but it's not like we were close. I knew from Sonthi, that he paid him for information about Wayo, and sometimes came to the house. However, I never worried about him since I knew him. At least that's what I thought until a few years ago when he contacted me directly to ask for help and advice, since he realized he had become addicted to Wayo. I almost helped him by killing him. But after listening to his story I changed my mind, and let him continue seeing Wayo.

Now that he is finally out of the shadows and has become my nephew's boyfriend, I think it's time for Dr. Phana Kongthanin and I, to get to know each other better.



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12.16.2017   7:38 am  US CST

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