Chapter Fifty Two: Yes or No

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"Alright, who's up first?" Shiro sighed.

Katie smiled. "Obviously, it's me. Ahem, Lance, truth or dare?"

"Mm, dare." Lance said, his wrapped his arm around Keith.

"I dare you..." She paused as Alex whispered something in her ear. "Okay, I dare you to give Keith your hoodie."

Lance shrugged and took off his jacket before draping it over Keith's shoulders. "That's pretty calm, coming from you."

She didn't say anything in response, but just nodded at him. "Go."

"Okay... Matt. Truth or dare?"

And so it continued for a couple rounds. One of the longer ones involved Shiro getting his makeup done by Matt. After he was done being prettified, they took a few silly group photos. A few turns later, it was Keith's second time being asked. "Alright, lovely brother o' mine." Alex smiled, "Truth or dare?"

"Truth." After the fiasco from last around, there was no way he was going to pick dare.

"Mm, kay. Are you and Lance dating?"

Lance looked at him, concern slightly visible on his face. There was a moment of silence.

"...Yes or no?" Alex asked.

"Yeah." Keith shrugged.

All members of the grouped sighed. "Finally!"

"Honestly, you two have been pining for each other for way too long," Hunk laughed.

Shiro nodded in agreement, "When did this happen?"

"Like, yesterday?" Lance offered.

Katie and Alex were busy smirking at each other. "I told you it already happened," Alex sang.

"Well, it looks like I have to give it to you," Katie sighed.

And then they continued playing until Shiro looked at the clock. "Alright, you've gotta get to bed guys! Your parents will kill me if you're aren't falling asleep when they get back."

"Relax, they love you, Shiro," Matt laughed. "Seriously though, we should get to bed. They should be getting back soon." All parties separated to grab their stuff. Fifteen minutes later, they were all in their assigned sleeping areas. Lance's arms were wrapped around Keith, who couldn't even try to sleep, due to Hunk's loud snoring.

"Hey, Keith?"


Lance asked quietly, "Are you okay with them knowing that we're dating?"

"Yeah. I trust them..."

"Do you really love me?"

Keith reached behind himself to lightly whack the side of Lance's head. "Of course I do, idiot. That's why we're dating."

"Oh, okay," Lance smiled.

"By the way, you're coming with me and Alex to meet my mom tomorrow. I'm gonna tell her."

Lance held him tighter. "Of course."

"G'night, pretty boy."

"Goodnight, my lady."

The Holt parents are out getting a present that's a couple state and a half away... yeah I realized that there are too few adults whoops

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