Chapter Forty Six: Fancy Man

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Six episodes, eight sandwiches (three of which were for Rosie the Ravenous), three games of tag, and an uno game later, the table was being set. "No, silly!" Rosie moved the knife over. "The sharp goes with the fork on the napkin."

"Uh, I-I see," Keith smiled. Even to him, Rosie was pretty cute for a kid.

José walked over and moved the knife back to it's previous spot on the right. "Rosie, Keith is setting it the fancy way. He's a fancy man."

"Ooooh," Rosie stared at him in fascination. "Fancy man."

Keith laughed nervously, "I'm not fancy. I just wasn't sure how you guys do it, cause I usually put them on the napkin. You can do it however you like."

"Oh." Rosie turned to look at the table, where she had already moved all the other knives to the napkins. Wordlessly, she moved the knife back onto the napkin.

Ten minutes later, all the silverware was set and dishes served. José, Rosie, Keith, Lance, María, and Marco were seated around the table (in that order). José and Lance were at the heads of the table. José seemed to enjoy this, as he was smiling and wearing a gold crown and cape, as well as holding a scepter.

"I'm the king!" José picked up his fork, pinky up, and daintily stabbed a broccoli on his plate.

"I'm a dragon!" Rosie picked up two fistfuls of broccoli in her hands, proclaiming "Burn the forest!", and stuffed them in her mouth. "RaaAAR!"

Mariá facepalmed and sighed, "Rosie please use a fork... and don't choke."

"So... Keith," Marco spoke suddenly. "I haven't seen much of you, but how are you enjoying your stay with us so far?"

Keith smiled, "It's been great. You guys are a wonderful family."

"That's good to here," Marco smiled. "Let us know if there's anything else you need."

"I will. Thank you."

The rest of the dinner passed quickly. Keith was standing in the bathroom with Rosie, the two brushing their teeth. She almost reached Keith's shoulders, now that she was standing on a stool. Just her eyes and hair were visible in the mirror. She spat into the sink and rinsed out her mouth. Rosie jumped off the stool so Keith could spit. Once he was done, she smiled up at him and pointed. "Your hair is like mine!"

"How so?" Keith smiled back.

She giggled, "Messy!"

"You do have a brush, y'know."

Five minutes later, Rosie was in bed, her dark hair in two short braids. Keith was sitting next to her, holding a closed book in his hands. "That was an odd choice. Are you sure this is the stuff you want to hear before bed?"

"I like the ghost. He's not a bad guy."

Keith ruffled her hair. "Okay, that's enough, kiddo."



"Are you my brother?"

"No, I wouldn't say that." Keith leaned toward her and whispered something Lance couldn't here. By the time Keith walked into the hallway, Lance was already in his room and the lights were off. "Lance?"


Keith walked over to the bed, his hair already pulled back with a ponytail and headband. He slid under the covers and reached his arm out until he felt Lance's arm. "Canwesmuvle."


The darkness hid Keith's blushing face. "Can- Can we snuggle?"

"Of course, mi reina."

Keith sighed, "I'm going to assume that means princess or something."

"Actually, it's my queen."

"Goodnight, Lance."

"Night, Keith."

"Saranghaeyo," he mumbled.



Ooooh boy :)

Fates | Klance AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora