Chapter One: As Fate Would Have It

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March 31st

"Lance! Come down, your new friend has arrived!" María yelled.

Lance sighed, "I'm coming, Mom!" He closed his textbook and began to walk down the stairs as he heard the door open.

"Oh, welcome, sweetheart." He heard his mother say. "Thank you for letting me stay, Mrs. McClain." She laughed, "Please, call me María, or Mom if you prefer."

He rounded the corner and that was when he saw him, "Keith?"

How was that? Just kidding, it's not the end of the chapter.

"Oh, I guess you've met, then?"

Lance nodded, "Yeah he goes to- went to... the Garrison."

María smiled, "Well, it's good that you know each other." She picked up one of the family photos from the table near the door. "We have a large family. Two of our kids aren't seen very often, Juan and Sabine." She pointed to the two people on the left side of the picture. "Sabine works as a personal secretary, so we don't really see her as much. Juan is twenty-nine and is getting married next month." She smiled and pointed, "That's their Papa and Abuela. On Abuela's right is Cassandra. She's twenty-four and works at the local hospital."

She pointed to the two youngest members of their family, "José and Rosie. They're seven and five." She laughed, "Above them is me and my wonderful husband, Marco." María smiled. "These two," she pointed to the two remaining people in the picture, "are working on... some sort of project for the Garrison. We're not sure what it is, but Safía and Jamie are quite involved with it."

María put the picture back on the table, "You two can head up to Lance's room. I'm sorry, Keith, but we don't have an extra bed, so you'll have to share with Lance."

"Oh, it's fine." María left the entryway with a smile and Keith turned to Lance with a look that said it was clearly not fine. Lance just sighed and walked back up the stairs, Keith following him. He went into his room and closed the door after Keith entered.

Lance turned to him, "What are you doing here?!"

"Uh... I live here now?" Keith placed his backpack next to Lance's desk.

Lance glared at him. "Well, why can't you live somewhere else?"

"Look, okay, I don't know what your problem is, but I just want a place to live. There's nothing you can do about it, so I suggest you get comfortable with my presence." Keith sat down on the bed.

Lance crossed his arms, "So... now what? Are you going to take your stuff and put it all over my room?"

"What stuff?" Keith pointed to his backpack, "That's not going to cover your entire."

Lance's jaw dropped, "That's all you have?!"

"Yeah," Keith shrugged, "Don't worry. I won't take up too much spa-"

Lance grabbed Keith's hand and pulled him toward the door, "We are going shopping!"

Alright, so I just wanted to write this, so I figured I might as well put it on Wattpad. I write these while I'm half asleep, so don't judge me.

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