Chapter Forty Four: Awkward Silence

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After splashing his face with cold water, Keith stared at his reflection in the mirror. Worthless, his mother's voice echoed. He ignored it. "I don't have time for you," he growled quietly. He sighed and rubbed his face anxiously. It's just a roller coaster. Keith pulled down his beanie a little further before walking out of the bathroom and back to the table.

"Um, Keith?" Lance watched carefully as he slid back into the seat, looking more concerned than confused. "You okay, buddy?"

He gave a small nod, regardless of the fact that he wasn't okay. Not entirely, at least. "I'll tell you later."

"Okay..." Lance didn't seem convinced, but he didn't say anything.

Keith felt a little bad because he had jumped to conclusions in thinking Lance was mad. But Lance probably was mad. Lance was very open about... almost anything. What could he talk about instead? What he did the day before? No, they were together yesterday. Ask how the Garrison was? Definitely not. He didn't want to sound like a distant, middle-aged relative. He couldn't think of anything to say, so they just ended up sitting in an awkward silence.

The drinks had already been placed down while he was gone, so he just pulled the cup toward him. He took tiny sips while he frantically tried to think of something to say. Fortunately, he didn't have to.

Lance pushed his drink toward Keith. "Do you want to try it? It's, um, a strawberry lemonade."

"Sure," he leaned forward and took a sip. Was it a peace offering? Maybe. "That... is pretty sweet." Keith shivered at the taste. {y'know when the taste surprises you and what not?}

Lance bit his lip. "So you don't like it?"

"Nah, I like it." Keith laughed, his worried look fading. "Just not so soon after waking up."

A soft smile. "I would guess so. Cause strawberries are your thing, right?"

"Yep." He thought for a moment. "And hippos." He passed the drink back to Lance.

He leaned forward to rest his arms on the table. "And what else do you like?"

Keith smiled, "You."

"Okay, that was good," Lance laughed and covered his face.

The Korean boy rested his head on the table. "Well... what do you like?"

"Sharks. Movies." Lance wiggled his eyebrows, "Kisses."

Keith just laughed. "Are you serious?"

"No. He's dead."

He glared at Lance. "Too soon."

"He's been dead since 1996."

"How... How do you know that?" Keith asked.

Lance laughed again, "From making that joke too many times."

The conversation continued to flow smoothly, and the two talked about random things. Minutes later, Shay walked over to the table with their food. "Chocolate chip and strawberry waffle, cheese omelet, and bacon."

Keith smiled down at the plate of sweet and carb. "Thank you."

"No problem, hun." Shay held the tray against her hip. "Anything else I can get for you?"

The two looked at each other before Lance answered. "We're all good. Thanks."

Then the table was quiet again as the two hungrily devoured their breakfasts. The time passed rather quickly, but Keith barely noticed. When he wasn't talking to Lance, he zoned out. And soon enough, Lance had paid and he was pulling Keith up to walk beside him. The two walked out, side by side, but not touching.

Once they left and got onto a quieter street with fewer people, Keith slipped his hand into Lance's. He looked off to the side. He saw Lance turn toward him in his peripherals. But even out of the corner of his eye, Keith could see that he was smiling.

Hey hey 👀

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