Chapter Ten: Damn Pidgeons and Their Terrible Ways

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Eight minutes later and Lance was still yelling. "Katie! Katie? Is anybody there? HE-"

Keith put his hand over Lance's mouth, "Are you crazy? That's how people get killed in horror movies! Stop yelling and don't ask if anybody is there because somebody obviously will be there." He removed his hand an kept walking.

"Keith, I'm scared." Lance looked around the dark forest, the terror clearly seen in his eyes. He slipped his hand into Keith's.

"Um, Lance you're-"

"Shut up." He turned to see the bushes rustle and he squeezed Keith's hand. "Keith something moved!"

Keith followed his gaze to the rustling leaves. "That you, Katie?"

"No! It's a monster!" Lance jumped onto Keith's back, "Save me! I'm not letting it touch me!"

The bushes parted, and jumping out at them was a-


"...It's a rabbit, Lance. Come down and calm down now."

"It could be a monster in disguise," Lance hissed from Keith's shoulders.

"Get off."

Lance hesitantly got down from his perch and linked his arm with Keith's. "Now you can't disappear while we're walking. I'm going to kill her later. These damn Pidgeons and their terrible ways."

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