Chapter Eighteen: Nightmary

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{TRIGGER WARNING} This section will include some HOMOPHOBIA and ABUSE. Skip the italics if you are sensitive about this topic

"Keith, explain yourself," Mary glared down at her twelve-year-old son. Keith had always thought of his mother as warm, but now she was cold. So, so cold. When there was no response, Mary slapped her son. "I said what were you doing with that BOY!"

"W-We were just playing," Keith stuttered. His mother glared down at him, her eyes as hard as steel and her gaze as sharp as daggers. "W-We were holding hands so we wouldn't get separated."

"And what were you doing before you saw me there," Mary's tone pierced through the young boy like an arrow of ice, and he flinched.

She knew. She saw. He was dead.

"I-It was nothing," he whimpered.

"Daniel!" Mary shrieked.

Her husband, a tall, muscular bear of a man, came into the living room, "What is it, Mary?"

"Our son kissed a boy," she hissed. Her words were laced with acid, and Keith felt fear rise in him like a tsunami.

Daniel turned on his only son, a small, skinny boy. "What is wrong with you?" He pinned Keith against the wrong with one arm, straining his wrist.

Keith stuttered, "D-Dad, p-please don-"

Daniel punched his son across the face, causing Keith's nose to bleed with a crack. "I will not have a weak f*ggot for a son." He let go of Keith's wrist, and the young boy fell onto the floor.

"Go to your room, Keith," Mary glared down at the shaking figure. "Keith!"


Keith opened his eyes to see Lance. "L-Lance," he breathed out, and slumped forward, leaning his head on the Cuban boy's shoulder. Tears were on his cheeks, and a small sob escaped him.

Lance wrapped his arms around Keith as he cried, "I-It's okay." He began to rub small circles on Keith's back. "It's okay. I'm here. I'll protect you."

Keith tightly gripped Lance's loose, blue t-shirt. "Save me," he whispered.

"I- I will," Lance said softly.

Once Keith was drained of tears, he found himself lying down again. This time, Lance's arm was around him, and Keith held Lance's hand in his own. For once during the night, he felt safe. He drifted off to a peaceful sleep, Lance's words keeping the nightmares away.

It's okay. I'm here. I'll protect you.

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