Chapter Twenty Six: Paper Crane

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After thinking about his options, and making a choice he would probably regret later, Keith had ended up at a children's park... without Lance. He watched a group of children playing soccer, laughing and running side by side. There were six kids, five boys and one girl. The girl had white blond hair and dark blue eyes, just like... him. She ran forward and kicked the ball into goal before cheering. She high-fived her two teammates. "Did you see that Lotor?!" She yelled, "I'm definitely going to get better, and then I'll beat you too."


No way.

"We'll see about that, Ara," Lotor laughed. His long, white hair was pulled up into a high ponytail, and he had a purple crystal tattoo under his left eye. Ara's eyes flickered to her right, connecting with Keith's, before looking back to her brother. She tapped his shoulder, and he bent down. Ara covered her hand and whispered into his ear. "Oh, really?" Keith heard him muse. He looked to where Keith was sitting on the bench and recognition washed over his face after a moment or so.






Keith unconsciously touched his palms with his fingers, crossing his arms as he did so. "H-Hey Lotor," he stood up and started walking away. "I'll get going."

"W-Wait, Keith!" Lotor put his hand on Keith's shoulder, making the shorter boy flinch. He quickly took his hand off, "Sorry. For that. And... what happened."

Keith sighed, "I told you it's not your fault. You don't have to be sorry." He turned to face him. "What are you doing here?"

"I- I came to visit the girls, and I've taken custody of my sis, finally." Lotor looked back at Ara, "I don't think you ever met her, but I didn't want her to be raised in the same situation I was." He turned back to Keith. "How... How are you doing? Is everything okay?"

He nodded, "Yeah. Everything's fine, I guess."

"Look, I know I just remind you of... it, but I do worry about you." He pulled out a small origami crane and pen from his pocket. Lotor scribbled his number on it and handed it to Keith. "I'll let you go to... wherever you're going now, but if you ever want to talk or something, you can just text me." He sighed, "You'd probably talk to someone else, but... y'know, just in case."

Keith took the small paper bird in his hand, "Okay."

"Be safe and happy, Keith. That's what we all wanted you to be." He smiled and walked back to his sister. Keith watched him before turning and walking down the sidewalk, away from the park.

Ara raised her eyebrows at him, "Was that the crane I gave you?"

"I'm afraid so," Lotor patted her head. "But it was for a worthy cause. That's the friend I haven't seen for many years."

She blinked up at him, "You mean the one Mother and Father didn't allow you to see?"

"Yeah," Lotor nodded sadly, "That's the one."

Ara smiled at him, "You could give him every crane I gave you. I know you missed him."

"You're too sweet," he smiled. "I love you, Ara."

She giggled, "Love you too, responsible adult brother."

Okay, I don't ship Keitor but >:D I have plans

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