Chapter Eleven: Grass Kicks and High-Speed Spanish

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After they found their way out of the forest, Lance started uncontrollably screaming when he realized the car was no longer there. He soon started kicking grass and cursing in high-speed Spanish {which I will not include for child reader reasons}.

"Calm down," Keith said. His face had returned to its normal color by the time they came into the light, so Lance never saw his blush... hopefully.

Lance turned to glare at him, "Don't tell me to calm down." He looked around, "We are stuck in the middle of nowhere!"

"Relax, I'll just call Katie." Keith took out his phone and dialed her number. He pressed the phone to his ear, "See? Easy peasy." He heard her pick up and started, "Ka-"

"No. We are not coming to pick you up. Spend time with your man-crush and call a taxi so you can make out in the back or something."


"Bye." That said, she hung up on him. Keith's mouth dropped open in shock and turned to Lance who stuck out his tongue. "Told you. We're stuck."

Keith reared back his leg in frustration, {why did I think of a lawn mower??} and was pushed to the side by Lance. "This is my grass pile. Find your own kicking grass."

Hey! Sorry for the lack of updates... I'm trying to update the main three main fanfics this weekend so here you go!

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