Chapter Two: Shop 'til You Drop (Or not, Your Choice)

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"I hate shopping!" Keith protested as Lance dragged him through the mall.

"Since you're living with us, you need to have some style." Lance stopped at one of the stores, "I will accept your only black and sometimes very, very dark grey..." ((Lego batman ftw)) He looked at Keith's current attire. "And red. Red looks good on you." He sifted through the piles as Keith's face flushed.

He turned back around, holding several pairs of pants and about three t-shirts. "Try these on." Keith grabbed the clothes and quickly went to the changing stall. Lance looked at another shelf, picking up a red beanie for inspection. He ran over to Keith's stall and threw the hat in, "Try that!"

Lance walked back to the shelves. As he was sorting through t-shirts with various death threats on them, he looked up and saw Nyma. He put the shirts down and ran over to her, "Hey, Nyma!" She turned at the sound of her name and smiled, "Hey Lance."

Lance smiled at her, "So when do you want to get together again?"

"Actually, Lance..." She paused, "I'm breaking up with you." His smile instantly disappeared. "I only wanted to date you so Miss Mar might give me some extra credit on the final since you're her favorite student." Lance felt small tears welling in his eyes. "Look, you're a nice guy, but you're just not my type." She smiled, "Maybe we'll be together in the future, with all this behind us." She stuck her hand out, but Lance had already turned around and walked away, leaving behind his broken heart.

Switch POV

Keith had finished trying on the clothes by the time Lance had thrown the hat in his face. He absolutely hated shopping and wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible. He walked out of the changing room, but Lance was talking to some girl or another. He walked over to the cashier and handed her the credit card Lance had given him at the beginning of the trip.

She put the clothes in a bag and smiled. "Have a nice day!"

Keith grabbed the bag, mumbling a small "thank you." Lance walked up to him, "We're going." He took Keith by the arm and lead him back the way he came.

I know these are short but oh well. This is mostly just for me anyway.

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