Chapter Twenty Three: Dating

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"Hey guys!" Keith called out, stepping into the knife throwing place. He looked around, "Oh, Acxa!"

"Keith!" A girl with short, blue hair and piercings on her left ear walked over and hugged him.

Who's this lady? Lance watched her with suspicion.

Keith turned toward him with a smile, his elbow resting on the girl's shoulder. "Lance... This is Acxa. Acxa, Lance."

"Oh," Acxa turned toward Keith with a smirk. "The Lance?"

He glared at her, "Yes. I only know one Lance."

"Did somebody say Lance?!" A girl with a pink ponytail bounced over and wrapped her arms around Keith and Acxa's shoulders. Upon closer inspection, her hair was also purple, green, and golden yellow. "Are we talking about Lance again?" She smiled.

Keith's face flushed. "N-No. He's right there." He pointed a finger at Lance, who was standing awkwardly on the side.

"Um, hi!" He waved. Never would he have imagined that Keith had a bunch of friends, much less pretty girl friends. Girl friends, not girlfriends. Girl friends with a space.

The pink ponytail girl jumped over to him. "Oh my! You're even cuter than I imagined. Y'know, Keith-"

"Alright, Ezor, lay off!" Keith yelled and yanked her back lightly.

Ezor smirked at him, "I'm just trying to help you."

The two began to argue while Lance stood on the side, lost in his thoughts. "She... thinks I'm cute?"

"Alright, that's it!" Keith yelled and walked off. "I'm going to the bathroom so you can't follow me."

Ezor pouted, "Aw, c'mon, Keith! Don't be like that! I was just kidding..." She sighed, "Well, anyway..." She instantly brightened up, "Keith never shuts up about you! So it's nice to finally meet you in person."

"H-He talks about me?" Lance asked.

Ezor giggled, "Of course. I won't go into to details because he'd probably kill me, but he does. Talk about you a lot, I mean."

"Oh," he smiled softly to himself. Lance's eyes flickered back to the two girls. But he talks with them a lot apparently... so what if-

Ezor smiled, "Oh, and no need to worry about us as potential competition or whatever." She slung an arm over Acxa's arm and winked. "We're officially dating, so no worries."

"Ezor..." Acxa whined. She didn't feel the need to bring extra to their relationship.

"Ah, okay." Lance smiled. "Congrats."

"Thanks!" Ezor smiled, "And about Kei-"

Keith covered her mouth. "I realized it was a bad idea to leave you alone with these two, so I came back," he smiled. Ezor glared at him, and he just sighed in response. "Licking my hand won't make me let go of you, Ez."

"Don't lick him!" Acxa swatted her shoulder.

Ezor took his hand off her mouth, "Well then tell him to not invade my personal space!"

"Tell her not to share my secrets!" Keith yelled.

Acxa groaned, "Both of you, stop it!"

"W-What's going on?" Lance stuttered.

It occurred to me after I wrote it that making the title "Dating" would probably make you guys think they were dating... whoops

Fates | Klance AUUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum