Chapter Twenty Two: Fancy Vocab

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"So what do you usually do for fun?" Lance asked, closing the dishwasher.

Keith laughed softly, "I sit by myself and look edgy, as Katie says."

"But that's not what you do for fun." The Cuban boy smiled down at him, "Just tell me something you like."

Indigo eyes flashed, and he laughed, louder this time. Keith smirked, "Knife throwing."

"Not... actually though, right?" Lance asked nervously.

His smile grew, "Of course, I throw knives. It's not that big of a deal. We went to a gun range! Why does knife throwing surprise you?!" He leaned back in his chair. "I think... we should go. Have you step into my world, y'know?"

"Right- Right now?"

"If you change, then yeah." Keith stood up and grabbed Lance's hand, pulling him toward the stairs. "Get going."


"How do you always look..." Keith stared at him.

Lance smirked. "Look what?"

Hot. Gorgeous. Super attractive.

"Nothing," he mumbled. "Anyway, we can get going." He pulled on his jacket. "The place isn't too far from here, but you should probably bring a water bottle just in case you get tired again."

Lance raised an eyebrow, "Are you insinuating that I have poor stamina?"

"Fancy vocab, McClain." Keith threw a navy blue zipped hoodie at him.

He put a hand over his heart. "Ouch... back to a last name basis. You wound me, Princess." He slipped on the jacket and opened the front door.

"Psh," Keith laughed and walked outside. "If anything, I'm an empress."

Lance followed and closed the door, locking it with a silver key on a Sokka keychain. "Does that mean you're admitting you'd look good in a dress?" He smirked as if he'd caught Keith red handed, and the two started walking.

He's hot.
Shut up, Keith.

"You mean you think I'd look good in a dress?" Keith raised an eyebrow and smirked back.

"W-Well-" Lance shrugged, "I'm just saying... you'd look good no matter what you wear."

Keith blushed, the bright red obvious on his pale skin. "Oh." He looked at the ground and smiled.

Lance's smirk returned to his face. Sharp Shooter always hits the mark.

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