Chapter Fifty: Whirlwind

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"Are you ready?" Katie asked. "The others are already here." She jumped out of the car and ran into the laser tag place. Hunk and Lance quickly followed after her. When they found her, she was already hugging a group of people. "Ahhh, I missed you guys!" Being crushed in her arms were Keith and two girls. Shiro and Matt were standing behind them.

Keith patted the top of her head. "Happy birthday-"


"-but why didn't you tell me you were inviting Alex?" Keith asked.

Katie smirked, "Cause then you might run away. Also, I like your outfit. It's about time you wore it." She gestured behind her, "Lance is here." And indeed he was. Katie clapped her hands, "Alright! Since we're all here, let's head in." She walked up to the counter. "All eight members for Pidge's fifteenth birthday are here."

"Okay." A bored looking employee with dark pink hair and piercings stood up. "Follow me, please." She led them into a dark room with benches and a single screen. "Please pay attention to the safety information." She started the video and stood on the side of the room, phone in hand.

Lance sat down next to Keith. "Hey, um, what are you wearing?"

"S-Something Katie picked for me," the Korean boy responded, face flushing. "Does it look bad?"

"No." Lance responded with a soft whisper in his ear. "You look great, actually."

Neither one of them said anything else. The video was over and the employee was speaking again. "Please split yourselves into two teams of four."

"Okay, I will be leading one team, and Matt will have the other." Katie put her hands on her hips. "We'll be picking names out of a bag." She pulled a tiny cloth bag out of her bag. "I will pick first since it's my birthday." She took out a folded piece of paper. Matt pulled out one after her, and they each took two more. "Okay, on my team is Keith, Alex, and Lori." Katie jumped up, "Ha!" She whispered something to Matt, who just smirked.

Matt put his papers in his pocket. "Shiro, Hunk, and Lance are on my team."

The pink-haired girl opened a door. "Please come this way to get your vests."

"We're red!" Katie yelled. The eight picked their vests and looked at the names. "Oh, cool!" Katie smirked, "I'm Talon."

Keith held up his gun to read the display, "Cyclone."

"Firestorm." Alex struck a pose.

Lorika looked at her gun. "Typhoon."

The red team turned to look at the other four.

"I'm Blaze," Matt looked at his.

Shiro looked slightly confused. "Slicer?"

"Mine says Thunder." Hunk shrugged.

Lance made a peace sign over his eye, "Bombshell."

"Um, okay then." Katie walked into the play area.

The employee called out, "Red base to the right,  blue base to the left!"

The groups split up. The four red team members were huddled in a square. "Okay, so here's what I'm thinking." Katie pretended to draw a plan in the dirt. "Lori stays on defense, while the three of us head out. Alex and I will go to the upper piece and snipe off anyone that tries to go past us. Keith will get to the base and shoot the alarm. Sound good?"

The other three nodded. A voice came through the speakers. "The game will begin in three seconds. Three... Two... One. Start!"

Keith dashed off first, Alex and Katie following along behind him. Once the three were on top of the bridge-like structure, they regrouped. Katie pointed over the wall. "Okay, Keith, I would go along the right side since there's more windows to shoot through. Stay low, though."

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