Chapter Six: Onward, Valiant Steed!

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After untangling themselves and getting off the floor, Keith had been shoved onto the couch and forced to watch videos that Lance claimed were "entertaining." These "masterpieces" included "Banana Slipping on Man" and "Sean Spicer's ABCs". Keith sighed in relief when the doorbell rang, "I got it."

He opened the door. "Katie!" The small figure in green jumped up onto Keith while making screeching noises similar to those of a pterodactyl. "Keith!" She clambered around until she was on Keith's back. Katie pointed into the doorway, "Onward, valiant steed! To the noble house of McClain!"

Keith sighed, "Really? Who's this?" He nodded toward a boy in a yellow t-shirt and cargo shorts.

"Oh," Katie smiled, "That's Hunk. Hunk, this is Keith." She tugged on his dark hair, "Onward!"

She let out yells of joy as Keith ran into the house and up the stairs. Hunk sighed, "These people..." Then he followed them inside to the realm of McClain.

Hey guys! This is just a little short fluff I was thinking about, but I have an announcement.
(If you're here from my Voltron x Reader you should already know this, but anyway)
I'm going away this Saturday and I will be gone until the end of March. I'm going to be on the other side of the world, hiking and swimming and exhausting myself with fun. I will try to update when I can.

Thank you for reading! 💕

Also what would you think of a Yuri Plisetsky x Reader? I'm making a draft of it because people seem to enjoy that sort of thing 😁

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