Chapter Three: Silence Isn't Always Golden

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Usually, Keith preferred the quiet. He could concentrate, with no people to distract him. With Lance, however, silence was unsettling. He had been glaring at the road the entire way back to the house, not a single word spoken. He pulled into the driveway and quickly got out of the car, slamming the door shut behind him.

Keith followed him into the house and into the bedroom. "What are you doing here?" Lance glared at him.

"Uhh... I live here." Keith sat down next to him, "Do you want to tell me what's wrong?"

Lance put his head in his hands, "Why would I tell you? You're my rival."

"Well, I don't go to the Garrison anymore, so I wouldn't say we're rivals," Keith paused, "You also made that up. We were never rivals."

He put his hand on Lance's shoulder and, to his surprise, he didn't flinch. "I'm living with you now, Lance. That means I'm supposed to help you."

Lance sighed, "Al-Alright." He wrapped his arms around Keith's neck and let out a shaky sob.

Keith stroked Lance's hair like one of his foster parent's had done. Lilly Bell. She had been his favorite, but then she got into a car accident. "It's going to be okay," Keith whispered.

Hi guys sorry this is taking so long. :( I have decided to write shorter pieces, but more frequently.

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