Chapter Nineteen: Waffles

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April 1st

When Keith opened his eyes, his head was in Lance's chest, and the Cuban boy's arms were around him. He was warm, not freezing cold or feverishly hot, just a soft warm that some people would call home. He sat up, staring at Lance's sleeping form.

It had been less than a day, but it seemed like he had known Lance his whole life. Keith smiled, just a little, and slowly climbed over him and out of the bed. He put on a loose black t-shirt and the red beanie Lance had bought for him. Looking at the clock, which read 7:38, he quietly opened the door and made his way down the hall.

Keith walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where María was making waffles for the two youngest McClain children. "Good morning, Miss McClain," he said as he sat down at the table. He smiled at the two children at the table, "Good morning, José, Rosie."

"Morning, Quiche," José gave a toothy grin.

Rosie waved, "Hi Keef!"

"I told you to call me María," Lance's mother smiled. "Do you like chocolate chips or blueberries in your waffles, dear?"

Keith thought for a moment, "Chocolate chips, please."

"YAY! CHOCOLATE CHIPS!" Rosie yelled.

"Rosie, quiet!" María shushed her. "Lance and Daddy are still sleeping."

"Oh," Rosie stared at the table, "Daddy sleepy."

It took a few minutes for María to finish making the waffles, and Rosie didn't hesitate to strike up a conversation.

"So do you like red and black? Like Zuko?"

"Yes, but who's Zuko?" Keith stared at her in confusion.

"He's the new good guy," Rosie smiled. "Appa likes him." She paused for a moment, "Who's your favorite?"

"Favorite what?"

"Favorite one of us," Rosie said with a look that asked if Keith was stupid.

"Uh..." Keith thought for a moment, considering his options for not starting a sibling war, "I would say your mom since she's making waffles."

At that moment, María placed down the plates. "Eat up, guys. José, you have your soccer game in an hour." She made a smiley face out of whipped cream on Rosie's waffle, "Rosie, start eating." She started walking toward the stairs, "I'll be back in a minute. I'm just going to wake up your father."

About forty minutes later, Keith was on his third waffle and the four McClains were ready to head out. "Keith, when Lance wakes up, let him know that there are two waffles in the fridge. We should be back in a few hours," María said before walking outside and locking the door.

Then Keith sat in silence and ate his waffle, thinking about Lance.

Planes make you very productive (^^)*:・゚

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