Chapter Twenty Nine: Strawberry Boy

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Keith sat at the counter of the small shop, brow furrowed in concentration. His eyes flashed back and forth between the two options. Both were good, but which would be better in the end?

"Um, sir?" The girl at the counter asked, "How can I help you?"

He snapped himself out of his inner thoughts, "Oh sorry. Could I get a strawberry banana smoothie please?"

"Of course," she smiled and winked. "Coming right up."

Did her eye just twitch? Keith thought to himself.

A few minutes passed before the girl slid a plastic cup across the table. "Here you go, handsome."

"Uh... thanks?" He pulled out a five dollar bill.

She pushed it back, "Relax, it's on me."

"You don't have to." Keith pushed the bill back towards her.

"But I want to." She placed her own bill in the cash register and handed his back again. "Just take this," she passed him a small piece of paper with ten digits on it. "My number," she smiled.

He pushed it back. "Sorry. I appreciate the drink, but I'm not interested."

"Seriously?! A girl buys you a drink, and you're not going to pay her any attention?" She yelled.

A tall man in his twenties with dyed grey hair slammed open a door from the back. "Nyma! Stop trying to seduce our customers!"

"Sorry..." she grumbled. "But I bought him a drink and he's not paying me any attention!"

He turned to Keith, "Sorry about her. She's always like this. You should probably-"

"Keith! There you are!" Lance ran in. "Do you know how-" He looked at Nyma. "N-Nyma! What are you doing here?"

Keith turned toward him, "Oh, you know this creepy lady?"

"C-Creepy?!" Nyma yelled.

He grabbed his smoothie and walked over to Lance, entwining their fingers before leading him to the exit. "Let's go." Keith walked out and away from the small store before unclasping their hands.

"You know Nyma?" Lance asked.

"Nope." He shook his head and took a sip of his smoothie.

The cuban boy raised an eyebrow with suspicion. "Then what was that all about?"

"She gave me her number," Keith shrugged and took another sip of his smoothie. "I gave it back. Boom. Crash. Society falls." He turned back to Lance, "Want some?"

He stuck his hands in his pockets. "What I want is-"

Keith stuck the straw in Lance's mouth. "The smoothie," he smirked. Lance glared at him and took a small sip of it before Keith took it back. "Don't you feel much calmer now? Strawberry does that to the mind."

"Sorry, but my only savior is vanilla," Lance laughed.

Keith stared at him in shock, "How are you and Katie even friends?"

"Aren't we supposed to call her Pidge? And what do you mean how are we even friends?" Lance stared back at him.

"Special friend rights. And she loves chocolate."

He stuttered, "Ch-Chocolate?"

"Uh, yeah?" Keith spoke like it was an obvious fact that the smaller Holt was a chocolate lover. "How did you not know?"

Lance yelled, "I don't know! But chocolate? Really?" He shook head, "I'll deal with this later because we've gone off topic... but why'd you run away, Keith?"

"Oh, uh," the boy in question thought for a moment. "I don't remember, actually. Sorry about that."

He raised an eyebrow but decided to not question him. "Okay then. Do you want to go back to the house now, strawberry boy? I'm starving."

"S-Sure." Keith followed Lance as he started walking away. "Strawberry boy?" He mumbled to himself.

Strawberry boy indeed ;)

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