Chapter Thirty One: Grilled Cheese

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"Shouldn't your parents and siblings be back by now?" Keith asked, practically shoving the grilled cheese down his throat.

Lance watched him, visible shaken. {SH00K} "D-Don't choke. And no, they usually go out for ice cream and hang out until the parents force them to go home. So they might go out for dinner." He held up his phone, "I'll let you know if they tell me anything."

"Okay, so... what do we do now?" Keith asked. "I don't know how life works."

The Cuban boy stared at him. "Uh. Play a game? Watch a movie? What do you want to do?"

"Um, you can pick," he mumbled.

Lance put his face in his hands before putting another grilled cheese on Keith's plate. "Alright let's watch a movie or something and order pizza later." He walked over to the living room, Keith following behind with his beloved sandwich, and plopped down on the couch, turning on the TV.

Keith crouched on the couch arm like a bird and started eating the grilled cheese.

"Can... Can you sit like a normal person, please?" Lance watched him.

The Korean boy slid down onto the couch, his leg touching Lance's. "Sorry."

He laughed in response, "It's fine." He opened Netflix™ and flicked through his list. "What do you watch? Any particular shows or anything?"

"Um, Shiro and Katie got me into anime?" Keith put a hand to his chin before turning back to Lance. "Yeah, uh, I don't watch TV that much."

Lance stared at him, shocked once again. "Okay, what about movies?"

"Um..." Keith reached down to pet the stuffed animal he always kept between his legs, but realized it wasn't there. "Coraline is good. Marvel movies are also good." He mumbled, "I have... also watched probably every Disney movie in existence."

The Cuban boy nodded in response. "At least you know some of the good stuff. What's Coraline, though?"

Keith smiled deviously, "You're gonna love it."

I don't know what this was

I'm sorry

but anyway, I'm stating that Keith's Korean now cause I don't think the show is going to give us an answer!

|| Also I forgot to post this yesterday sorry ^^;

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