Chapter Nine: That Unnamed Place

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"So, mind telling me where we are?" Lance asked nervously from the back seat.

Katie unbuckled and jumped out of the car. "We're on our way to greatness." Around them were tall, dense trees and they could barely see, due to the fact that only a small amount of sunlight could get through. "This way," she waved and began to walk away.

"Wait!" The boys quickly got out of the car and ran after her, desperate to not get lost.

She led them all through the forest, pointing out the occasional bird or deer that happened to be passing by. "Whoa. Guys, look at that!" She pointed into a dark section and grabbed Hunk's hand, disappearing into the shadows.

"Katie, wait!" Lance yelled, running after her. Keith quickly followed him. "Katie! Where are you?" Lance's voice could be heard from behind the tree. "Katie!" She could hear Keith mumbling something to him.

Good. They're together. Katie smirked and put a finger in front of her lips, pulling Hunk along behind her. She ran back out of the forest silently, waiting for Hunk to catch up. When he reached the Jeep he was out of breath and he collapsed in the driver's seat. "A-are you sure... it's a good idea to leave them in the forest?"

"I am not letting my OTP fall apart!" She glared at him. He gave her a blank look that said he had no idea what she was talking about. "I also have a shotgun," she added.

He visibly gulped, "O-okay."

"Drive me to their house."

"W-what? We can't go to thei-"


Hunk began to drive.

Fates | Klance AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang