Chapter 20: Annoyance

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'Those people who think they know everything, are of great annoyance to those of us who do.'
-Isaac Asimov.


Days flew by quickly and life went on. Everyday, I followed the same routine. Get up at six in the morning, exercise, go to school, go to gym, train, come home, sleep and carry out the same routine again. Nothing changed.

Except for the fact that I have to see Logan in school from time to time. Things have been quite different for him though. He is now the most famous boy in school. Everyone's favourite. Even the teachers adore him.

Ever since we stopped talking, something else changed too. He is friends with Natalia now. She constantly kept on sticking to him all the time. But Logan didn't give her any attention. Apparently, she thought Logan not giving her any attention was because of me. So as expected, she approached me one day thinking that by giving me a warning, she is going to get Logan all by herself.

I was standing in front of my locker to grab the book that I needed for my next period. I turned around and came face to face with Natalia. She had her hands on her hips while her eyes trailed me up and down with a scowl on her face. I folded my hands and waited for her to speak.

"Nora right?" she asked with disdain. I cringed when I heard my name coming out from her mouth. I nodded and motioned her to continue.

She took a step closer to me and said," Listen to me. I don't want to be seen talking to you and spoil my social status in this school. So just do as I say. Stay away from Logan. He's got nothing to do with you."

I rolled my eyes. I looked across to see that the hall ways were nearly empty. A few students were going towards their classrooms.

I didn't really get the whole point of this conversation. I was nowhere near Logan since two weeks. Maybe she just needs some reason to fight. I guess she knows it was me who threw the ball at her face during PE. I smirked when I thought of that moment.

I didn't really want to talk to her but I didn't even want to give her the satisfaction of thinking that I am going to oblige by her orders.

I walked closer to her and towered over her even though she was wearing high heels. In a low voice I asked, "You know I'm not scared of you right?"

She didn't back away. Instead she straightened her composure and said,"Don't go near him. If I find you near him, I swear I won't leave you."

I chuckled and said, "First try and catch me."
That being my final statement, I moved aside to walk past her but she grabbed my hand. That made my temper flare up. I was about to just yank her hand and go away when I heard her saying, "Don't you dare....."

That's it.

In one swift motion I turned around, pulled her towards me with the same hand which she was holding me, grabbed her by the collar and slammed her in the lockers.
"Don't you ever try and teach me what to do." I said in a deadly voice.
The entire hallway was silent and the only noise that could be heard was the echoing of the metal of the lockers and Natalia's whimpering. I released her and she fell down with a thud. I took a step back and looked around only to see a pair of bright blue eyes that were filled with surprise and astonishment. He looked at me and then at Natalia and then looked at me again.

He walked closer to me and his widened as he saw Natalia lying on the floor unconscious.
I guess the impact was too hard for her to take on. I should've applied a little less force. This isn't a fighting ring.

He looked at me in bewilderment and said, "Are you out of your mind? What the hell did you do? Is she even alive?" He walked closer to her and tried to search for a pulse. He sighed when he realized that she has just passed out. Getting up from there, he came closer to me and said, " Have you lost it? You could've killed her. This is a school, Nora. Not your fighting ring."

My head was throbbing heavily. I know what I did was wrong. But I don't need another person to teach me what to do or what not to do. So Instead of accepting my fault, I just worsened the situation by opening my mouth.
"Shut up Jerk. I don't want another teacher now."

I looked at him dead in the eye. We both were having a staring competition. None of us was ready to look away. Eventually I had to look away when I saw Natalia move. Logan immediately went to her side and gave her water to drink. He looked at me accusingly.

I clenched my fist in frustation. I couldn't help but be even more angrier. It was because of this jerk that Natalia and I had an argument. She was the one at fault. But I was being accused here.

I huffed out in annoyance. He walked up to me and said, "All you could do atleast apologize to her." I was about to leash out my anger on him when the principal came out of his office.

"Nora Flynn! In my office. Now.", he ordered.

I gritted my teeth in annoyance. Now I'll have to listen to the long lecture that the principal was about to give me. I was about to walk away when I halted in my steps and turned around to face Natalia. She looked extremely angry like a little kitten who was going to pounce at me any moment. It didn't affect me though.

"You wanted him all by yourself right? Keep him with yourself. I don't even want to see his face." With that I turned around and walked towards the principal's office.

The bell rang indicating the end of lunch period. I got up from my seat and started walking towards my locker. I had my headphones placed on my ears. No song was playing through it though. I just kept it on top of my ears so that people would not bother me. This technique worked all the time. As I walked towards my locker, I thought about what happened her a month ago. I can't believe it's been one month since that incident with Natalia. I was suspended for one whole week on the basis of act of violence in the school premises. Natalia didn't bother me anymore. The most amusing part was that she didn't even go near Logan anymore. Stop thinking about him.

My finals were coming near and I was studying all the time. I even kept my training aside to study. I really needed to get good marks so that I could get into to a good college. I couldn't wait to get out of this hell hole.


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